Happy Birthday to me!!! And the blessings flow! I've gotten phone calls, cards, gifts, and the days still young. Robert, our youngest gave me a card that told me that he loved me and to be happy because in dog years I would be dead. Now that's a thought. Something else to be thankful for........my people years are by ones and I don't have to skip count by 7's. Golly, I'd be 441 years old. If I didn't know how old I am, I wouldn't know by feelings. Some days I'm 10 (which some of the Kindergartners think I am) and other days I feel like I'm well past my age by bunches and bunches. I guess most of the time, I am acting more towards the kid side. Life is too short to be too serious, right?
We met with 2 of our beautiful grand daughters today for lunch. Which happens to be the 12 yr. old's birthday, too. I always hear from her on our birthday, because she calls to wish me a happy birthday and then waits while I pretend to not remember that it is hers. She used to tell me the second that I answered the phone, "It's my birthday, Nana." and then I'd go on telling her that it couldn't be because it was mine. Each of us are the 4th born, youngest in the family, share the same birthday, and born on Thanksgiving Day. It was so nice getting to see them. They are precious and I love them. We don't get to see them that often. One lives with their mom which is about an hour from us and the other lives with their dad, which is about 6 hrs. from us. I cherish the time I do get, tho.
I got a wonderful & very special surprise from my sweet husband tonight. I don't know who all was involved in making it happen, but one was his boss's wife. THANK YOU, ALICE!!!!! They helped him get me a Collins Street Bakery original fruitcake here in time for my birthday. (oh, stop gagging.....) If you haven't tried one, there is nothing like them. They are the best! There are very few fruitcakes that are good. This is #1. TOPS! Super good! Lots and lots of pecans. I shared it tonight with several friends, but several declined. One of my friends told me that there are only 9 fruitcakes in the whole world and they keep getting passed around and around because no one wants them. (She wasn't a fan.) Oh, well....just more for me to enjoy!!! I hope that I end up with the other 8, but not all in the same year. ; } I am going to grill a piece of it for breakfast. I haven't had the heart to look at the fat grams, calories, sodium, sugars, etc. in each slice. Or to see if alfalfa is one of the special ingredients. I want to savor it first. I've made up my own ideas to make it taste better for now.
Another friend makes me a delicious raisin pie every year and brings it to me. It is sooooooooooooooo yummy, too. I will have it for lunch. And probably a slice of both as a snack in the evening. And then in a week or so, I will be hunting bigger clothes.
I really enjoyed the day! I had the 'Happy Birthday' song sung to me a bunch! (it's gone on for several days). Now I have 364 more days to wait for it all to begin again. sigh!!!!
I did hear from all of my kids today. : ) Made my heart happy!
Do y'all believe in angels unaware? I sure do! I strongly, strongly, strongly believe that God sends people (earthly angels) to us when we are in need. Tonight, I encountered one. I got so much useful information that I needed, needed, needed to hear so badly. What a blessing! I don't feel like I should go into detail about the root of the problem, but it's been an on going concern and prayer request that I've been dealing with for years and years and will for how ever long it takes. I got lots of answers for things that I have been thinking and wondering about. I have renewed hope that had been slowly chipped away by all the doubts and discouragements that I have allowed to plague me. Getting to talk to her made my birthday even that much more special. Thank you, Kona!
I hope that you use your time and talents to help someone along the way. Even if it's just an encouraging smile.
Love and Prayers to all!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Turkey Day
HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! I do hope that y'all didn't over eat, too much. I am still miserable. I've had the nibbles since this morning. When we sat down to eat our dinner, I wasn't hungry, but I sure ate like I was. Then I kept nibbling, and nibbling, and nibbling, and nibbling. We spent the day with good friends and everyone brought something. You would have thought 20 more people were coming to join us. I wish that we could have somehow gotten all the left overs to those who were without. We all took bags and bags of leftovers and won't have to cook for a couple of days. I am, tho. I love turkey soup, especially, our son-in-law's. He makes the bestest, gooderest, yummyest, scrumpteousest, .......got the picture? It's really good. Sad thing is, when he makes it, you are too full to really enjoy it right then. We didn't get any of his this year, since they stayed in Colorado. sad!
Of course, none of this was really in the 'alfalfa/water' category. It was soooooooooooooooooooo good, tho. We need to walk, walk, walk tomorrow. We should should have walked home, except we were about 55 miles from home.
It's not my idea, but I think it's such a great idea. One of the blogs that I have been following, has a jar that they have labeled "Things that I am thankful for...." and each day each family member writes something that they are thankful for on a piece of paper and drops it into the jar, and they were going to read them today. Now, why wait till Thanksgiving time to do that? I think that it would be something great for me to have all year round and when I get the mully grubs, I can go to my jar, pull out a piece of paper and read what I wrote. I also, think dating the day that I write it would be helpful. Just thinking.
I love special days, because I always hear from all of my kids. A mom's heartbeat! I heard from all of them today and will again, tomorrow. (It'll be my birthday.) So, I get double blessings this week. yeaaaaa!!! Those aren't the only blessings, tho. Just one of my most favorites. : )
God continues to bless us and take care of our needs. One of the things that I love about my husband, is that he is so willing to help someone and not expect anything back. It he can fix it without having to go to the expense of replacing it, he will fix it. He's done this forever, and now I am seeing so much returned to him, but in a much better way.
Is there another word for "thank you"? If so.....I can't think of one, but my heart says it over and over and over for y'all's encouraging words and prayers. Keep it up, but not just for me.
Love and Prayers to all!
Of course, none of this was really in the 'alfalfa/water' category. It was soooooooooooooooooooo good, tho. We need to walk, walk, walk tomorrow. We should should have walked home, except we were about 55 miles from home.
It's not my idea, but I think it's such a great idea. One of the blogs that I have been following, has a jar that they have labeled "Things that I am thankful for...." and each day each family member writes something that they are thankful for on a piece of paper and drops it into the jar, and they were going to read them today. Now, why wait till Thanksgiving time to do that? I think that it would be something great for me to have all year round and when I get the mully grubs, I can go to my jar, pull out a piece of paper and read what I wrote. I also, think dating the day that I write it would be helpful. Just thinking.
I love special days, because I always hear from all of my kids. A mom's heartbeat! I heard from all of them today and will again, tomorrow. (It'll be my birthday.) So, I get double blessings this week. yeaaaaa!!! Those aren't the only blessings, tho. Just one of my most favorites. : )
God continues to bless us and take care of our needs. One of the things that I love about my husband, is that he is so willing to help someone and not expect anything back. It he can fix it without having to go to the expense of replacing it, he will fix it. He's done this forever, and now I am seeing so much returned to him, but in a much better way.
Is there another word for "thank you"? If so.....I can't think of one, but my heart says it over and over and over for y'all's encouraging words and prayers. Keep it up, but not just for me.
Love and Prayers to all!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Blessings, Being Grateful, Thankfulness
I ran into a friend at the store today. I don't know her real well. Actually, I can't even remember her name. (That's a very weak point of mine......names. sad!) Just talking to her a few minutes, I realized how very blessed that I really am. Makes one wonder....
She still had a sweet smile and asked me to pray for some things. I will and I'd like for all y'all to pray for her and her family's needs. God knows who she is and what the needs are. When I walked away, I thought about how UNgrateful I've been, how thankLESS I've been, and NOT counting my blessings as blessings.
Also, why it takes other's tragedies, sadness, misery, problems, needs, etc. to help others to get on the right track or give them hope in something? There are so many hurting people. I go back to the 'Guidepost' story that totally changed my life. Someone worst possible sadness written as a testimony, trusting God to use it to touch someone's life, even tho, their own lives were torn apart.
I think of the things that I've been through and how I carried myself or where did I turn my focus to. Did others see God working or was I too busy whining and complaining, "why, me?" I know, I know, I know that it is normal to ask that, and especially with the hurts being so different. I do have that awful tendency to hug my hurts and wallow in the pity. I always think, "nothing can be worst than this" or "no one knows how I feel" or "how can they understand, they've not been through this," and on and on... I have tried to be strong, and use the circumstances as a testimony. It sometimes takes me awhile to get to that point. I don't know anyone that would admit to rejoicing and giving an immediate praise while going through a tragedy, accident, illness, financial crisis, divorce, loss, or hurt of any kind. I know that usually, it's an immediate cry out to God for help when any hurt is happening. At least, I do. I don't know what people do that don't have a relationship with Him. I remember, even before I became a Christian, I would call out to God when I was in a mess or was experiencing a "hurt" of some sort. I just didn't have the trust and assurance to get the peace that I now have. I am so THANKFUL that I do know Who to turn to, GRATEFUL that He cares, and count it a BLESSING to have that access.
Joel is still on meds. and will be for a few more days, but is so much better. You would never know that he's been sick. It will be good that he'll feel like eating his tofu turkey and be able to taste that it doesn't have taste. :-}
My brother is doing well, too. He got out for a little while Sat. afternoon to enjoy some music and fellowship with friends. My sister is still here helping him. She sure deserves an extra very special thank you for all that she's done.
Our son, Robert, just showed me a surprise that he'd been working on, secretly, for me. He is a wonderful artist and crafter. He makes things out of things, draws, paints, carves, & sketches. He's made some really neat stuff that I love and have to enjoy. He's taken an area near the backdoor that is a patched area from where we removed an window unit years ago. He's painted a beautiful bird. It's unfinished, but he couldn't wait to show me. He's had it covered up and wouldn't let me sneak a peek until tonight. sighhhhhhhhhh I love birds and have them decorating the bathroom and we feed all kinds of birds like crazy, that is when the squirrels aren't stealing their food or our dog isn't chasing them off.
I hope that all of y'all are getting prepared to enjoy a thankful Thanksgiving. Encourage someone to find something to be thankful for.
I am thankful for y'all being here for me!
Love and Prayers to all!
She still had a sweet smile and asked me to pray for some things. I will and I'd like for all y'all to pray for her and her family's needs. God knows who she is and what the needs are. When I walked away, I thought about how UNgrateful I've been, how thankLESS I've been, and NOT counting my blessings as blessings.
Also, why it takes other's tragedies, sadness, misery, problems, needs, etc. to help others to get on the right track or give them hope in something? There are so many hurting people. I go back to the 'Guidepost' story that totally changed my life. Someone worst possible sadness written as a testimony, trusting God to use it to touch someone's life, even tho, their own lives were torn apart.
I think of the things that I've been through and how I carried myself or where did I turn my focus to. Did others see God working or was I too busy whining and complaining, "why, me?" I know, I know, I know that it is normal to ask that, and especially with the hurts being so different. I do have that awful tendency to hug my hurts and wallow in the pity. I always think, "nothing can be worst than this" or "no one knows how I feel" or "how can they understand, they've not been through this," and on and on... I have tried to be strong, and use the circumstances as a testimony. It sometimes takes me awhile to get to that point. I don't know anyone that would admit to rejoicing and giving an immediate praise while going through a tragedy, accident, illness, financial crisis, divorce, loss, or hurt of any kind. I know that usually, it's an immediate cry out to God for help when any hurt is happening. At least, I do. I don't know what people do that don't have a relationship with Him. I remember, even before I became a Christian, I would call out to God when I was in a mess or was experiencing a "hurt" of some sort. I just didn't have the trust and assurance to get the peace that I now have. I am so THANKFUL that I do know Who to turn to, GRATEFUL that He cares, and count it a BLESSING to have that access.
Joel is still on meds. and will be for a few more days, but is so much better. You would never know that he's been sick. It will be good that he'll feel like eating his tofu turkey and be able to taste that it doesn't have taste. :-}
My brother is doing well, too. He got out for a little while Sat. afternoon to enjoy some music and fellowship with friends. My sister is still here helping him. She sure deserves an extra very special thank you for all that she's done.
Our son, Robert, just showed me a surprise that he'd been working on, secretly, for me. He is a wonderful artist and crafter. He makes things out of things, draws, paints, carves, & sketches. He's made some really neat stuff that I love and have to enjoy. He's taken an area near the backdoor that is a patched area from where we removed an window unit years ago. He's painted a beautiful bird. It's unfinished, but he couldn't wait to show me. He's had it covered up and wouldn't let me sneak a peek until tonight. sighhhhhhhhhh I love birds and have them decorating the bathroom and we feed all kinds of birds like crazy, that is when the squirrels aren't stealing their food or our dog isn't chasing them off.
I hope that all of y'all are getting prepared to enjoy a thankful Thanksgiving. Encourage someone to find something to be thankful for.
I am thankful for y'all being here for me!
Love and Prayers to all!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
5 Red Dots
Today, when I was finishing my earlier post, I decided that I was going to be grateful for something today and prayed that God would help me to recognize my blessings. I have this tendency to prejudge things and make a decision before I know all the facts. I suppose it's like saying the glass is 1/2 empty rather than 1/2 full. I was digging in my purse and found a mini size box of 'DOTS' candy. My very favorite are the red ones. The least are the green and orange. I usually get 1 red, if any, and seems like there is always an extra portion of either the green or orange. yukkkk!!! Tonight, I opened the box thinking the typical negative thoughts and hoping I'd have more red this time. I GOT 5 RED!!!!! F-I-V-E, 5! 1,2,3,4, 5!!!!!There are only 5 total in the little boxes. I have never, never, never gotten 5 red nor 4. Maybe 3....not sure there. I was so happy!!!! Over 5 dots, wow! Now, I will argue with anyone whether or not it was a way that God was showing me that in ANYTHING He can and will work. I love it!!!!!!! I wonder how long before I get 5 red dots in one box, again. If any of y'all do....let me know.
Now that is not the only thing that I was grateful for today.
I was grateful for joining friends for some fellowship.
Grateful for having the transportation to get there.
Grateful for all the music that we enjoyed today.
Grateful for being a part of the 2 1/2 Angels.
Grateful for getting to sing.
Grateful for my brother being able to join us.
Grateful that someone gave up their softer chair for him, so he could stay longer.
Grateful for all the good food that everyone brought to share.
Grateful for everyone singing an early 'Happy Birthday' to me.
Grateful that I have the Lord to rely on.
Grateful that I have the Lord to cry out to.
Grateful for being above dirt!
And GRATEFUL for y'all!
Encourage someone to be grateful!
Love and Prayers to all!
Now that is not the only thing that I was grateful for today.
I was grateful for joining friends for some fellowship.
Grateful for having the transportation to get there.
Grateful for all the music that we enjoyed today.
Grateful for being a part of the 2 1/2 Angels.
Grateful for getting to sing.
Grateful for my brother being able to join us.
Grateful that someone gave up their softer chair for him, so he could stay longer.
Grateful for all the good food that everyone brought to share.
Grateful for everyone singing an early 'Happy Birthday' to me.
Grateful that I have the Lord to rely on.
Grateful that I have the Lord to cry out to.
Grateful for being above dirt!
And GRATEFUL for y'all!
Encourage someone to be grateful!
Love and Prayers to all!
"Focus" is what I hear a lot of from Joel, my kids, true friends, and sometimes the kids at school. (Love the kids honesty!) The best is what I call "THE MOTHER LOOK" that I get from Diane, one of the 2 1/2 Angels. I have a tendency to 'drift off ' during the middle of a song and miss my part. She always covers, but I get "THE LOOK". It always makes us smile, sometimes laugh and we even get chuckles from the audience if they catch it. If Joel and I are limited on time in a store, Joel reminds me every now and then to focus on what I am after. I really am all over the place, most of the time. I've had to get my focus back the past few days. I think maybe carrying around a flashlight, candle, match, anything, something bright would help. This time change is crazy. I know that I make more of it than what I should or what it really is, but good grief, I love it so less!!!! Pthtttttttt
Also, I've had to focus on a few other things. Now, really.......we don't have enough space here to go there. But I will tell ya the main idea behind this. I am ashamed of myself for getting so down about both of us getting sick in the past few weeks and having to go to the Dr., AGAIN and having MORE prescriptions. hmmmmmmmm????? How AWFUL that I didn't immediately register a HUGE GRATEFULNESS for being able to go to a Dr., having only the typical Texas cooties & nothing serious or untreatable, and having access to getting the meds. that are capable of getting us well. At times, I really feel like I am the only one that has these horrible mully grubs, but then I hear from so many that I am not. .......I am not, at all, proud of having these feelings. It just happens. DRATS!!!!!!
Another focus is our house. I have to REALLY work at being grateful for having a roof over my head, it being cool/warm, etc. We have lots of foundation issues, wall issues, floor issues, roof issues, driveway issues, and on and on. It is so overwhelming that you don't know where to begin. I was on a blog site earlier this week and oh, my gosh!!!! I live in a mansion! I am so blessed!!! How selfish and ungrateful I have been.
I have too much "stuff"! I love my "stuff", tho.Especially my buttons. I think last count I had in the range of forty-leven gazillion and four.
I get all these "ideas" to do something and then end up not doing it or saving it for ..........?????? Not sure what I am saving it for. Isn't that sad???? And then if I decide to clean up a pile of my "stuff" then I end up with 10 little piles.....Where does this craziness lead me??? FRUSTRATED.
I think until I learn to be truthfully grateful, I will not move forward. I can occupy my time with plans, dreams, staying busy with whatever I can stay busy with, but I need to FOCUS! FOCUS!! FOCUS!!! I even get so sidetracked doing this, that it takes a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time to get 'er done.
Thankfully, Joel was able to get in to see the Dr. right after we left the dentist Wed. morning. He was diagnosed with bronchitis and he's now on prednisone (?sp), a Z-pak, and a new inhaler to be filled if needed. He was feeling so much better by Thurs. evening. yeaaaa!!!!
I don't remember if I told y'all that I produce a Country Music Show each month and last night was my show. I love, love, love it. The band members are such wonderful friends that are so talented. We have guest entertainers from all over that come and perform several songs in all kinds of keys, rhythms, and unknowns. I am amazed when I hear the comment from the band, "we don't know that song" and then they play it and it sounds like they've played it a gillion times. I have lots of friends that are singers, but one of my very favorites, I've not known very long, but OH, MY GOODNESS!!!! I had her as a guest on my show last night and everyone was raving about her. I had 2 other's that were raved about, as well. I was told that I could have all of them back every month and they'd pay to come back and listen. :} While busy with the show, I am a happy person. BUT........my lack of focus sure doesn't help. I am so unorganized, it gets comical. Thank goodness that so many step in to help with the different things that goes on. Each month brings lots of surprises and goof ups. Yesterday, I kept having to print my program because I goofed and there would be a mistake staring at me and I'd redo it and then I'd discover another mistake, then I'd print the back side upside down...... I was in a hurry......
Today, due to my lack of focus, I embarrassed myself completely and probably my older son, too. I did something totally stupid. I tried making it "OK", the instant that I discovered the mistake, but I had already said what I said and with great diction. RED FACE!!!!!! RED FACE!!!!! RED FACE!!!!!!! My grandmother used to tell me that words said are like throwing feathers in the wind and then trying to retrieve them all. Can't happen! I called Jody later to 'fess' up & he said that his office had a good laugh. whew!!!! Guess they all know, by now, that his mom is a 'Lucy'.
This morning when I was just getting my "mojo" going to vacuum, dust, etc., I got a surprise call from one of our dearest friends asking if I would come meet her for lunch. Now, that was a decision......house work or meet with Marie?????? We've not gotten to visit for a long time, as she lives in Austin, and she's been having to spend lots of time with some of her "stuff" going on. She is the widow of Big John Webb, one of the best all around singers there ever was. Why he didn't go professional, I will never understand! He was a huge factor in me starting to sing on the opry scenes and he gave our trio the name, '2 1/2 Angels'. He and Marie sort of adopted Joel and I and we would travel with them and meet somewhere to eat just about on a weekly basis. He was a huge jokester but had the biggest heart, ever. He encouraged, and encouraged, and encouraged the trio. When we first started performing, we didn't have a name, but one of our most requested songs was 'Seven Spanish Angels' and the host of one of the shows told us that we should call ourselves 'The 7 Angels'. Big John happened to be in the audience, stood up and hollered out, "2 and a half, maybe. Watts is up there." Which was so typical of him. Another friend wanted to help us find a name, too. We have a hilarious list of suggestions that he brought to us, that he'd gotten from some of his friends while at a meeting. We kept coming back to the '2 1/2 Angels'. It's gotten lots of comments and questions. Mostly, "who's the half?" We keep everyone guessing. I'm blamed 90% of the time, Priscilla about 8%, and Diane 2%. It's just not fare!!! We do have lots of fun with it. Priscilla does help me out sometimes and tells the audience that none of us want to be presumptuous and call ourselves a whole angel all the time.
I don't even remember when I started this. Guess I should date the paragraphs. Today is Sat. 11-19-11. Is that not crazy? Our time is flying. Pretty soon it will be Thanksgiving. Now that's gonna be interesting....alfalfa dressing, water gravy, butterless taters, ....... But we will be thankful!!!!
Thanks again for the encouraging comments. Y'all are wonderful! Keep the circle of encouragement going.
Love and Prayers to all!
Also, I've had to focus on a few other things. Now, really.......we don't have enough space here to go there. But I will tell ya the main idea behind this. I am ashamed of myself for getting so down about both of us getting sick in the past few weeks and having to go to the Dr., AGAIN and having MORE prescriptions. hmmmmmmmm????? How AWFUL that I didn't immediately register a HUGE GRATEFULNESS for being able to go to a Dr., having only the typical Texas cooties & nothing serious or untreatable, and having access to getting the meds. that are capable of getting us well. At times, I really feel like I am the only one that has these horrible mully grubs, but then I hear from so many that I am not. .......I am not, at all, proud of having these feelings. It just happens. DRATS!!!!!!
Another focus is our house. I have to REALLY work at being grateful for having a roof over my head, it being cool/warm, etc. We have lots of foundation issues, wall issues, floor issues, roof issues, driveway issues, and on and on. It is so overwhelming that you don't know where to begin. I was on a blog site earlier this week and oh, my gosh!!!! I live in a mansion! I am so blessed!!! How selfish and ungrateful I have been.
I have too much "stuff"! I love my "stuff", tho.Especially my buttons. I think last count I had in the range of forty-leven gazillion and four.
I get all these "ideas" to do something and then end up not doing it or saving it for ..........?????? Not sure what I am saving it for. Isn't that sad???? And then if I decide to clean up a pile of my "stuff" then I end up with 10 little piles.....Where does this craziness lead me??? FRUSTRATED.
I think until I learn to be truthfully grateful, I will not move forward. I can occupy my time with plans, dreams, staying busy with whatever I can stay busy with, but I need to FOCUS! FOCUS!! FOCUS!!! I even get so sidetracked doing this, that it takes a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time to get 'er done.
Thankfully, Joel was able to get in to see the Dr. right after we left the dentist Wed. morning. He was diagnosed with bronchitis and he's now on prednisone (?sp), a Z-pak, and a new inhaler to be filled if needed. He was feeling so much better by Thurs. evening. yeaaaa!!!!
I don't remember if I told y'all that I produce a Country Music Show each month and last night was my show. I love, love, love it. The band members are such wonderful friends that are so talented. We have guest entertainers from all over that come and perform several songs in all kinds of keys, rhythms, and unknowns. I am amazed when I hear the comment from the band, "we don't know that song" and then they play it and it sounds like they've played it a gillion times. I have lots of friends that are singers, but one of my very favorites, I've not known very long, but OH, MY GOODNESS!!!! I had her as a guest on my show last night and everyone was raving about her. I had 2 other's that were raved about, as well. I was told that I could have all of them back every month and they'd pay to come back and listen. :} While busy with the show, I am a happy person. BUT........my lack of focus sure doesn't help. I am so unorganized, it gets comical. Thank goodness that so many step in to help with the different things that goes on. Each month brings lots of surprises and goof ups. Yesterday, I kept having to print my program because I goofed and there would be a mistake staring at me and I'd redo it and then I'd discover another mistake, then I'd print the back side upside down...... I was in a hurry......
Today, due to my lack of focus, I embarrassed myself completely and probably my older son, too. I did something totally stupid. I tried making it "OK", the instant that I discovered the mistake, but I had already said what I said and with great diction. RED FACE!!!!!! RED FACE!!!!! RED FACE!!!!!!! My grandmother used to tell me that words said are like throwing feathers in the wind and then trying to retrieve them all. Can't happen! I called Jody later to 'fess' up & he said that his office had a good laugh. whew!!!! Guess they all know, by now, that his mom is a 'Lucy'.
This morning when I was just getting my "mojo" going to vacuum, dust, etc., I got a surprise call from one of our dearest friends asking if I would come meet her for lunch. Now, that was a decision......house work or meet with Marie?????? We've not gotten to visit for a long time, as she lives in Austin, and she's been having to spend lots of time with some of her "stuff" going on. She is the widow of Big John Webb, one of the best all around singers there ever was. Why he didn't go professional, I will never understand! He was a huge factor in me starting to sing on the opry scenes and he gave our trio the name, '2 1/2 Angels'. He and Marie sort of adopted Joel and I and we would travel with them and meet somewhere to eat just about on a weekly basis. He was a huge jokester but had the biggest heart, ever. He encouraged, and encouraged, and encouraged the trio. When we first started performing, we didn't have a name, but one of our most requested songs was 'Seven Spanish Angels' and the host of one of the shows told us that we should call ourselves 'The 7 Angels'. Big John happened to be in the audience, stood up and hollered out, "2 and a half, maybe. Watts is up there." Which was so typical of him. Another friend wanted to help us find a name, too. We have a hilarious list of suggestions that he brought to us, that he'd gotten from some of his friends while at a meeting. We kept coming back to the '2 1/2 Angels'. It's gotten lots of comments and questions. Mostly, "who's the half?" We keep everyone guessing. I'm blamed 90% of the time, Priscilla about 8%, and Diane 2%. It's just not fare!!! We do have lots of fun with it. Priscilla does help me out sometimes and tells the audience that none of us want to be presumptuous and call ourselves a whole angel all the time.
I don't even remember when I started this. Guess I should date the paragraphs. Today is Sat. 11-19-11. Is that not crazy? Our time is flying. Pretty soon it will be Thanksgiving. Now that's gonna be interesting....alfalfa dressing, water gravy, butterless taters, ....... But we will be thankful!!!!
Thanks again for the encouraging comments. Y'all are wonderful! Keep the circle of encouragement going.
Love and Prayers to all!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I'm Still Here (with my sickie man)
I am here.....sort of. Just haven't felt like blogging. After my last post I worried about the on and on and on yakking and y'all needing a break. Plus, it was a blog that took me a long time to do and it really drained me. I get so emotional over the least little thing and that wasn't near what I'd consider "least". It was HUGE in my life and I am now, and forever will be, in awe over God and how He works.
Yesterday at church, the thought came across my mind that we needed a children's church and wondered what I could do, and then IF I would be willing to do anything. (I was suppose to be paying attention, but my mind wandered there.) I didn't say a word to anyone. Later, last night when I was checking my emails, there was one from our pastor's wife. She was asking the church family to be in prayer about starting a children's church. hmmmmmmmmm???? Some would say, coincidence. I say God was whispering.
Joel had another good day a work, but he was asleep by 7:30 tonight. I know that he is still working on getting the stamina built back up. I am tinkering with the idea of going back to work, too. If anyone knows of a receptionist type job, I may be interested. I would be okay if I could get more sub days working. It's nice to be able to be off when needed and go in when you want. But we need to get caught up. Just thinking.
We are still trying to be good at our choices of what we eat and the amount. One of the heart drs. told Joel to eat a serving of beans every day. I fixed a pot of Great Northerner beans today with the Penzey's spices and NO bacon or ham. They were very yummy. Even the dog liked the few that Robert was giving her. I also, fixed a fat free cornbread. It was a Marie Calendar's mix. It was really good, too. I will be buying it again. I was so impressed with the cornbread and the beans, that I took Bill some. He didn't think beans would be good without the bacon, ham, or salt pork. THANK YOU, WENDI, FOR THE PENZEY'S and THANK YOU PENZEY'S for making such good stuff!!!
My sister and I had to hunt Zinc Sulfate today for my brother. His dr. told him to get it as a healing aide for his wound care. Thank goodness for Parker's Pharmacy. They were able to help us. We found out that it is by prescription. Peg and Carol had been looking and looking for it, but couldn't find it. I knew from past experience that if anyone could help, Parker's would. Of course, the "good ol'" insurance he has wouldn't pay for it. I have to take a Vitamin D that is by prescription, only, and my ins. won't pay for it, either. grrrrrrr! He has a policy from Humana that is not accepted by many drs. He found out today, through getting a hugh bill, that his new dr. is not in the network. OUCH!!! But at least he did take it and he is the one that saved Bill's life by ordering all the tests that led to this. We'd gone around to several drs. trying to find one that would take it when he first got it a couple of years ago. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! I sure don't understand a lot about insurance. It causes more frustration than peace at times. I'm sure that one with high blood pressure has to be sure and take their meds, before dealing with insurance companies.
Another stupid thing about insurance, is the dental part. We don't have dental insurance and our medical insurance doesn't cover any procedure. Isn't that part of our body? If we can't eat because of pain, we can't stay healthy. If we have an infection, doesn't it need attention? What's the difference in having an infection in your toe, than your mouth? I just gripe and gripe when I have to pay the dentist the huge ridiculous bills. I don't understand!!!!
Sorta got off on a rant there. sorry!
I've started getting a few donations for the silent auction fundraiser. Things don't have to be new, just something that someone else could use or want that you don't. If you have anything, at all, I will be happy to take it off your hands. I would like to have everything by Dec. 1.
I am still here. I got requests to get back to "work". Thanks y'all! I will try to do better.
WE GOT RAIN!!! IT RAINED!!! WATER POURED FROM THE SKY!!! THINGS GOT WET!!! WE GOT MUD!!!! ( so does our dog) But I am not complaining. What a blessing!!!!!!!It's wonderful !!!!!!!! (Not the part about the dog having mud.) We got nearly 3 in. Now things will start looking so much better. We will probably see green sprouts tomorrow. All the dirt is washed off the leaves. (I should have opened the doors so a storm cloud could move through the house to wash the dust from things inside.) One thing, we sure aren't wearing out our lawnmower.
Joel didn't have such a good day. He thinks that he is coming down with whatever I had a couple of weeks ago. DRATS!!!!! We tried to get him into the dr., but he can't be seen until Thurs., even after explaining what all he'd just gone through, being asthmatic, and it being upper respiratory. We can go to the ER.....really???? To sit several hours, exposing him to whatever, and we've not got huge medical bills already. Sounds like we want to do just that. NOT! One good thing, he has some penicillin that he has to start taking because he is having a dental procedure done soon. Maybe that'll hold him till Thurs. Why do drs. overbook, so they can't squeeze someone in???? I know that everyone thinks their problem is an emergency, too. I just don't want him to get sick. Especially with a respiratory problem. panic panic panic
Don't worry, I will take him to the ER, if necessary. Just gripes me to have to do so. There are about a half dozen drs. in that same office. Please keep him in prayer that he doesn't get sicker.
Thank you for encouraging me to get back to the computer. Y'all are doing a good job at the encouraging thing. I like it!!!!
Love and Prayers to all!
Yesterday at church, the thought came across my mind that we needed a children's church and wondered what I could do, and then IF I would be willing to do anything. (I was suppose to be paying attention, but my mind wandered there.) I didn't say a word to anyone. Later, last night when I was checking my emails, there was one from our pastor's wife. She was asking the church family to be in prayer about starting a children's church. hmmmmmmmmm???? Some would say, coincidence. I say God was whispering.
Joel had another good day a work, but he was asleep by 7:30 tonight. I know that he is still working on getting the stamina built back up. I am tinkering with the idea of going back to work, too. If anyone knows of a receptionist type job, I may be interested. I would be okay if I could get more sub days working. It's nice to be able to be off when needed and go in when you want. But we need to get caught up. Just thinking.
We are still trying to be good at our choices of what we eat and the amount. One of the heart drs. told Joel to eat a serving of beans every day. I fixed a pot of Great Northerner beans today with the Penzey's spices and NO bacon or ham. They were very yummy. Even the dog liked the few that Robert was giving her. I also, fixed a fat free cornbread. It was a Marie Calendar's mix. It was really good, too. I will be buying it again. I was so impressed with the cornbread and the beans, that I took Bill some. He didn't think beans would be good without the bacon, ham, or salt pork. THANK YOU, WENDI, FOR THE PENZEY'S and THANK YOU PENZEY'S for making such good stuff!!!
My sister and I had to hunt Zinc Sulfate today for my brother. His dr. told him to get it as a healing aide for his wound care. Thank goodness for Parker's Pharmacy. They were able to help us. We found out that it is by prescription. Peg and Carol had been looking and looking for it, but couldn't find it. I knew from past experience that if anyone could help, Parker's would. Of course, the "good ol'" insurance he has wouldn't pay for it. I have to take a Vitamin D that is by prescription, only, and my ins. won't pay for it, either. grrrrrrr! He has a policy from Humana that is not accepted by many drs. He found out today, through getting a hugh bill, that his new dr. is not in the network. OUCH!!! But at least he did take it and he is the one that saved Bill's life by ordering all the tests that led to this. We'd gone around to several drs. trying to find one that would take it when he first got it a couple of years ago. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! I sure don't understand a lot about insurance. It causes more frustration than peace at times. I'm sure that one with high blood pressure has to be sure and take their meds, before dealing with insurance companies.
Another stupid thing about insurance, is the dental part. We don't have dental insurance and our medical insurance doesn't cover any procedure. Isn't that part of our body? If we can't eat because of pain, we can't stay healthy. If we have an infection, doesn't it need attention? What's the difference in having an infection in your toe, than your mouth? I just gripe and gripe when I have to pay the dentist the huge ridiculous bills. I don't understand!!!!
Sorta got off on a rant there. sorry!
I've started getting a few donations for the silent auction fundraiser. Things don't have to be new, just something that someone else could use or want that you don't. If you have anything, at all, I will be happy to take it off your hands. I would like to have everything by Dec. 1.
I am still here. I got requests to get back to "work". Thanks y'all! I will try to do better.
WE GOT RAIN!!! IT RAINED!!! WATER POURED FROM THE SKY!!! THINGS GOT WET!!! WE GOT MUD!!!! ( so does our dog) But I am not complaining. What a blessing!!!!!!!It's wonderful !!!!!!!! (Not the part about the dog having mud.) We got nearly 3 in. Now things will start looking so much better. We will probably see green sprouts tomorrow. All the dirt is washed off the leaves. (I should have opened the doors so a storm cloud could move through the house to wash the dust from things inside.) One thing, we sure aren't wearing out our lawnmower.
Joel didn't have such a good day. He thinks that he is coming down with whatever I had a couple of weeks ago. DRATS!!!!! We tried to get him into the dr., but he can't be seen until Thurs., even after explaining what all he'd just gone through, being asthmatic, and it being upper respiratory. We can go to the ER.....really???? To sit several hours, exposing him to whatever, and we've not got huge medical bills already. Sounds like we want to do just that. NOT! One good thing, he has some penicillin that he has to start taking because he is having a dental procedure done soon. Maybe that'll hold him till Thurs. Why do drs. overbook, so they can't squeeze someone in???? I know that everyone thinks their problem is an emergency, too. I just don't want him to get sick. Especially with a respiratory problem. panic panic panic
Don't worry, I will take him to the ER, if necessary. Just gripes me to have to do so. There are about a half dozen drs. in that same office. Please keep him in prayer that he doesn't get sicker.
Thank you for encouraging me to get back to the computer. Y'all are doing a good job at the encouraging thing. I like it!!!!
Love and Prayers to all!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Joel had a short Friday, but a good one. And he got 2 more cards in the mail encouraging him and praising that he was back at work. HOW SWEET that he's still being thought of and lifted in prayer and letting him know. He knows, but it's nicer to know that way, right?
Bill got out to the opry tonight. He looks so good, just needs a little more color in his cheeks. I am so thankful that he is getting better. I love him!!!!!! Carol and Peggy brought him out. I really don't know what we'd do without Carol. She is an amazing cook, sister, cook, dog sitter, cook house sitter, cook, caregiver, and cook. I love her, too!!!! And so does my dog, and Betty Boyd's dogs, and any other dog that comes near her. She's like the dog whisperer. Not a cook whisperer, tho. She would be a cook screamerer. TOO GOOD!!!!
This is the time of year that I start having a harder and harder time dealing with "things". I have to really focus on ONE DAY AT A TIME and sometimes moments. I'm not sure exactly why, but one thing is, I HATE this time change. It gets so dark when I still want to be doing stuff. Another is seeing all the rush to get the Christmas stuff out knowing that so many are either without the real knowledge of why Christmas is celebrated or don't care and so many get caught up in the commercialization. I just get my thoughts going all over the place. SO.......to help focus on more positive & uplifting things, I felt like this would be a perfect time & way........ blog about what I am truly thankful for. I know that once my brain starts going there, I will have to do this on a "to be continued" format. And there will probably be lots and lots of typos due to tears. I wish that I had thought to start this for the month of November on a daily basis. Maybe I can try to get the first 10 days caught up and go from there. As chatty as I get, that may be a little much. We will see......
I am not proud of and am in no way making light of or flaunting some of what I have been through that I share in some of my stories. I share these hoping that someone will be helped sometime, somewhere. I found out a long time ago that I did not have a patent on things that I was going through. I had the attitude that I was "the only one" and didn't want to talk about some things. When I did open up, I discovered that someone else had gone through the same thing AND survived AND didn't let it forever sink them. They may have been down for the count, but they got up....and lived.....One Day At A Time.
So....if you are interested, read on.
The first thing that I am thankful for is knowing and experiencing the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in April 1973. Up to that time, our lives weren't "pretty" and we were a mess, as a family. I had decided to file for divorce from Joel. A friend brought me a Guidepost book to read and one of the stories had such an amazing true story of compassion and forgiveness from a family that had suffered the death of a young child. I knew that I wanted to be like the people that I was reading about. It's hard to understand how the death of one's child can benefit someone else in getting their life totally turned around for the better, but I couldn't and haven't forgotten that story. It had a huge impact on my life's altering decisions. Also, our 4 year old son, Jody, (he's gonna, so not like me using his "mommy" name; he now goes by Joel) was attending a church with friends and he was always coming up with questions about God, Jesus, Heaven, etc. I would stumble around and answer him with what I could remember from the times that I had attended church as a child or from what my great grandmother had told me.
The first question he'd asked was, "who is Jesus?". I remember stammering around telling him that Jesus was a man that lived long ago and that He lived in heaven now. Jody asked if He was going to come to our house and I replied, "maybe, someday." He got so excited and asked, "could it be today?" and no sooner had I thought that I'd gotten past that heavy discussion, our door bell rang. He tore off to the door hollering, "there He is! It's Jesus!" I was telling him, that it wasn't and to settle down. When I opened the door, Jody acted really disappointed because it was, "just" two ladies from Travis Baptist Church that were "just out visiting". I told them what we'd just been discussing and they said, "well, in a way, Jesus did come." Sure made me think. I had plans to go to church that next Sunday, but didn't. I fell back into my mess of a life.
A few weeks later....
The next "big" question, Jody came home with was, "Did you know that I can ask Jesus for anything?" Again, I tried explaining, to a way too smart 4 yr. old, my take on things trying to reason with him, but he kept saying that he knew that he could ask for anything. A few days later, as he was saying his prayers, he announced what he was asking God for...........a baby. As far as I was concerned, that couldn't happen. I was already miserable in a marriage, I was trying to finish Beauty School, and I'd already had 4 pregnancies. Doc said, "no more."
Speeding past the next few questions & months......
I'd found out (with GREAT surprise) that I was pregnant and we'd decided to keep it from Jody, in case things went badly. When it was obvious that Mommy was getting bigger, we broke the news to him, thinking that he'd forgotten that it was his prayer request. The first thing he said was, "I knew it, I asked God, I told you." As we started making plans and getting things ready, Jody made another one of his profound announcements....".It was gonna be a girl." He was praying for a 'girl sister.'
Our friends would tease him over the next few weeks and try to get him to think that it was a brother, a boy, NO GIRL, but he would always say, "no, I asked God, it's a girl." One night, while we had some friends over, Jody was being teased about it and he never wavered. Joel and I joined in on the teasing. (I am not proud of it, but hang with me, you'll read about God's amazing love.) After I put him to bed and came back to our guests, they were talking about how adamant he was about it being a girl. Joel made the remark, "yeah, and I want her to have green eyes and dimples" and the I added, "yeah, I want her to have curly hair."
Fast forward again,
The morning that my mom woke Jody up to tell him the baby had arrived and did he want to know what it was, he said, "I know. It's a girl!" My mom asked him how he knew that and he said, "Because, I asked God real hard, one more time before I went to sleep."
I had already been under conviction about my mess of a life and knew that things needed to and were going to have to change.The moment that Wendi was born, I saw 3 little curls right in the nape of her neck. Joel wasn't at the hospital when she was born. He'd gone to celebrate, early.....(part of our, then, problems.) When he did show up, he walked in saying, "you got your girl." When I mentioned the curls, he told me that she was bald. The rest of the night I would think about the curls that I thought I had seen and guessed that I just dreamed it, because I wanted a "sign" from God, so badly. When he came back the next morning during regular visiting hours, we went to the nursery together. There she lay.....bald as the palm of your hand, but she had dimples! Later, when they brought her to me, I discovered the curls!!!! I knew for sure that things were going to change. I knew that too many "coincidences" had happened in too short of a time and they happen for a reason. If you saw her today, you'd be amazed. She has the green eyes, the dimples, and the beautiful curly hair.
I've heard several times through out their lives, Jody saying out of frustration......."and I prayed for her" or "I prayed for this?"
Because of the Guidepost story and a 4 yr. old's faith, due to sweet friends that would faithfully come and pick him up and take him to church, we were led by a child.
The night before my life was to change forever, Joel had asked me what I was going to do the next day, which would be Easter Sunday. I told him that I thought that I was going to go to church. Surprisingly, he wanted to go, too. I remember smarting off to him about going to get drunk. I don't remember the sermon, I just remember the conviction that I felt and that desire to change things. As soon as the altar call started, I was asking Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart. He did and He did. We've still had some bumpy rides, but we know Who to go to, now. I am still a sinner, but a sinner saved by GRACE.
God blessed us 4 yrs. after Wendi with another son. We didn't pray for any special specifics like the curly hair, green eyes, dimples, 10 toes, button nose, etc. We just prayed that we'd have a son that would grow up and serve God. We still hold all 3 of them up in prayer, along with our 10 amazing and beautiful grand kids and a great grand son.
NO, not all of my prayers have been answered to my liking or my request, but enough of them have been, so I have the faith to keep praying.
I don't know why God would give me the honor of being the mother to three very precious people. Each one is so smart, so giving, so caring, & so loving in their own way. Each is so different. You'd think that they were born to different families and just appeared with us. I love, love, love them. I've not always liked what they were doing, but I sure never quit loving them, nor will I.
So...to boil all this down......
I am Most Thankful for my salvation,
Thankful that I can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about anything,
Thankful for not going through with the divorce,
Thankful that Joel's stuck with me these 45 yrs.,
Thankful that 3 wonderful kids call me Mom ,
Thankful that I'm "Nana" to 10 wonderful grand kids,
Thankful for being a great grandmother,
Thankful that Joel's back at work,
Thankful for my friends,
Thankful for my dog,
Thankful for the word, 'ENCOURAGE'.
Now, I am thankful that I'm heading towards my pillow.
Love and Prayers to all!
Bill got out to the opry tonight. He looks so good, just needs a little more color in his cheeks. I am so thankful that he is getting better. I love him!!!!!! Carol and Peggy brought him out. I really don't know what we'd do without Carol. She is an amazing cook, sister, cook, dog sitter, cook house sitter, cook, caregiver, and cook. I love her, too!!!! And so does my dog, and Betty Boyd's dogs, and any other dog that comes near her. She's like the dog whisperer. Not a cook whisperer, tho. She would be a cook screamerer. TOO GOOD!!!!
This is the time of year that I start having a harder and harder time dealing with "things". I have to really focus on ONE DAY AT A TIME and sometimes moments. I'm not sure exactly why, but one thing is, I HATE this time change. It gets so dark when I still want to be doing stuff. Another is seeing all the rush to get the Christmas stuff out knowing that so many are either without the real knowledge of why Christmas is celebrated or don't care and so many get caught up in the commercialization. I just get my thoughts going all over the place. SO.......to help focus on more positive & uplifting things, I felt like this would be a perfect time & way........ blog about what I am truly thankful for. I know that once my brain starts going there, I will have to do this on a "to be continued" format. And there will probably be lots and lots of typos due to tears. I wish that I had thought to start this for the month of November on a daily basis. Maybe I can try to get the first 10 days caught up and go from there. As chatty as I get, that may be a little much. We will see......
I am not proud of and am in no way making light of or flaunting some of what I have been through that I share in some of my stories. I share these hoping that someone will be helped sometime, somewhere. I found out a long time ago that I did not have a patent on things that I was going through. I had the attitude that I was "the only one" and didn't want to talk about some things. When I did open up, I discovered that someone else had gone through the same thing AND survived AND didn't let it forever sink them. They may have been down for the count, but they got up....and lived.....One Day At A Time.
So....if you are interested, read on.
The first thing that I am thankful for is knowing and experiencing the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in April 1973. Up to that time, our lives weren't "pretty" and we were a mess, as a family. I had decided to file for divorce from Joel. A friend brought me a Guidepost book to read and one of the stories had such an amazing true story of compassion and forgiveness from a family that had suffered the death of a young child. I knew that I wanted to be like the people that I was reading about. It's hard to understand how the death of one's child can benefit someone else in getting their life totally turned around for the better, but I couldn't and haven't forgotten that story. It had a huge impact on my life's altering decisions. Also, our 4 year old son, Jody, (he's gonna, so not like me using his "mommy" name; he now goes by Joel) was attending a church with friends and he was always coming up with questions about God, Jesus, Heaven, etc. I would stumble around and answer him with what I could remember from the times that I had attended church as a child or from what my great grandmother had told me.
The first question he'd asked was, "who is Jesus?". I remember stammering around telling him that Jesus was a man that lived long ago and that He lived in heaven now. Jody asked if He was going to come to our house and I replied, "maybe, someday." He got so excited and asked, "could it be today?" and no sooner had I thought that I'd gotten past that heavy discussion, our door bell rang. He tore off to the door hollering, "there He is! It's Jesus!" I was telling him, that it wasn't and to settle down. When I opened the door, Jody acted really disappointed because it was, "just" two ladies from Travis Baptist Church that were "just out visiting". I told them what we'd just been discussing and they said, "well, in a way, Jesus did come." Sure made me think. I had plans to go to church that next Sunday, but didn't. I fell back into my mess of a life.
A few weeks later....
The next "big" question, Jody came home with was, "Did you know that I can ask Jesus for anything?" Again, I tried explaining, to a way too smart 4 yr. old, my take on things trying to reason with him, but he kept saying that he knew that he could ask for anything. A few days later, as he was saying his prayers, he announced what he was asking God for...........a baby. As far as I was concerned, that couldn't happen. I was already miserable in a marriage, I was trying to finish Beauty School, and I'd already had 4 pregnancies. Doc said, "no more."
Speeding past the next few questions & months......
I'd found out (with GREAT surprise) that I was pregnant and we'd decided to keep it from Jody, in case things went badly. When it was obvious that Mommy was getting bigger, we broke the news to him, thinking that he'd forgotten that it was his prayer request. The first thing he said was, "I knew it, I asked God, I told you." As we started making plans and getting things ready, Jody made another one of his profound announcements....".It was gonna be a girl." He was praying for a 'girl sister.'
Our friends would tease him over the next few weeks and try to get him to think that it was a brother, a boy, NO GIRL, but he would always say, "no, I asked God, it's a girl." One night, while we had some friends over, Jody was being teased about it and he never wavered. Joel and I joined in on the teasing. (I am not proud of it, but hang with me, you'll read about God's amazing love.) After I put him to bed and came back to our guests, they were talking about how adamant he was about it being a girl. Joel made the remark, "yeah, and I want her to have green eyes and dimples" and the I added, "yeah, I want her to have curly hair."
Fast forward again,
The morning that my mom woke Jody up to tell him the baby had arrived and did he want to know what it was, he said, "I know. It's a girl!" My mom asked him how he knew that and he said, "Because, I asked God real hard, one more time before I went to sleep."
I had already been under conviction about my mess of a life and knew that things needed to and were going to have to change.The moment that Wendi was born, I saw 3 little curls right in the nape of her neck. Joel wasn't at the hospital when she was born. He'd gone to celebrate, early.....(part of our, then, problems.) When he did show up, he walked in saying, "you got your girl." When I mentioned the curls, he told me that she was bald. The rest of the night I would think about the curls that I thought I had seen and guessed that I just dreamed it, because I wanted a "sign" from God, so badly. When he came back the next morning during regular visiting hours, we went to the nursery together. There she lay.....bald as the palm of your hand, but she had dimples! Later, when they brought her to me, I discovered the curls!!!! I knew for sure that things were going to change. I knew that too many "coincidences" had happened in too short of a time and they happen for a reason. If you saw her today, you'd be amazed. She has the green eyes, the dimples, and the beautiful curly hair.
I've heard several times through out their lives, Jody saying out of frustration......."and I prayed for her" or "I prayed for this?"
Because of the Guidepost story and a 4 yr. old's faith, due to sweet friends that would faithfully come and pick him up and take him to church, we were led by a child.
The night before my life was to change forever, Joel had asked me what I was going to do the next day, which would be Easter Sunday. I told him that I thought that I was going to go to church. Surprisingly, he wanted to go, too. I remember smarting off to him about going to get drunk. I don't remember the sermon, I just remember the conviction that I felt and that desire to change things. As soon as the altar call started, I was asking Jesus to forgive my sins and come into my heart. He did and He did. We've still had some bumpy rides, but we know Who to go to, now. I am still a sinner, but a sinner saved by GRACE.
God blessed us 4 yrs. after Wendi with another son. We didn't pray for any special specifics like the curly hair, green eyes, dimples, 10 toes, button nose, etc. We just prayed that we'd have a son that would grow up and serve God. We still hold all 3 of them up in prayer, along with our 10 amazing and beautiful grand kids and a great grand son.
NO, not all of my prayers have been answered to my liking or my request, but enough of them have been, so I have the faith to keep praying.
I don't know why God would give me the honor of being the mother to three very precious people. Each one is so smart, so giving, so caring, & so loving in their own way. Each is so different. You'd think that they were born to different families and just appeared with us. I love, love, love them. I've not always liked what they were doing, but I sure never quit loving them, nor will I.
So...to boil all this down......
I am Most Thankful for my salvation,
Thankful that I can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about anything,
Thankful for not going through with the divorce,
Thankful that Joel's stuck with me these 45 yrs.,
Thankful that 3 wonderful kids call me Mom ,
Thankful that I'm "Nana" to 10 wonderful grand kids,
Thankful for being a great grandmother,
Thankful that Joel's back at work,
Thankful for my friends,
Thankful for my dog,
Thankful for the word, 'ENCOURAGE'.
Now, I am thankful that I'm heading towards my pillow.
Love and Prayers to all!
Day 3 on Day 4
Let's see.....what happened to yesterday????? We were both pretty zonked by the time I got around to my usual blogging time. I was going to rest my eyes and then get to it, but I fell asleep & woke up at 5:30 this
morning. I encouraged myself to get a little more "beauty" rest and then by the time I got going later, I had too much to do on my to do list. So, I'll back up to yesterday. ( Now as late as it is, that would really be 2 days ago. We are now in day 5, but since he's asleep, and most of y'all are, too, we will just work on day 3 & 4. (Have I totally confused you, yet?) It's 1:30 a.m. - Friday.
Yesterday, went well. Joel was tired and didn't stay at church for choir practice. I don't know if he catnapped after he got home or just relaxed with remote in hand. He might have rushed home to the yummy supper that he'd been wanting. It was in the "alfalfa" range. I made stuffed bell peppers with a twist using Penzey's spices. I even liked them & I am very picky.
I worked 1/2 day yesterday in one of my favorite classes to work in. Today I worked in a 5th grade class that was wonderful. I really miss working at the school full time, so I cherish the days that I am there. I still say my little prayer, "please don't let it be Kindergarten" when my phone rings. ha!
Joel's day, today was good. He got a little "shot" of energy from some candy. Apparently, he was asking for any morsels of leftover Halloween candy that anyone might have. He said that he told them it was okay for him to have it when they'd asked if he was suppose to have it. (I think his nose grew a bit on that one.)
We didn't do so well with our supper tonight. But it's our first real big NO-NO. About 17 of us met to go hear the best Bluegrass gospel group, The Marksmen. They were performing in New Braunfels. We were given the tickets. Before the show, several met at CiCi's Pizza. Joel ordered a crustless pizza and had salad. I think that I ate a little of everything. It's one of my very favorite foods and my control goes right out the door. We'll eat better tomorrow.
After the Marksmen show, we went to some friends and had coffee and dessert. I passed on the dessert which was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. Diane makes the best pies, EVER, and she had a cherry pie and a coconut cream. Two of my favorites. Especially, the cherry. I was just too full from the pizza. Now, had it been her apple pie, I would have found a corner to stuff it into. Oh, my gosh!!!!! She makes the best apple pie ever. LOTS of cinnamon. I think that I just gained 3 lbs. thinking about it. I will not tattle on Joel's decision to partake or not to partake.
It was so much fun getting together with our friends for such a wonderful show and good food and fellowship. Right before we left to come home, Diane got out her guitar and we all sat around for a little while and sang some gospel songs. I always enjoy that so much! Just wish that we could have kept it going for a little while longer. But no matter how long we sing, it's NEVER long enough. Too much fun!!!!!!!
It is now 2:00 a.m. I'm going to go get reacquainted with my pillow. Y'all can encourage me not to be grumpy later today from lack of sleep. Y'all are the best!
Love and Prayers to all!
morning. I encouraged myself to get a little more "beauty" rest and then by the time I got going later, I had too much to do on my to do list. So, I'll back up to yesterday. ( Now as late as it is, that would really be 2 days ago. We are now in day 5, but since he's asleep, and most of y'all are, too, we will just work on day 3 & 4. (Have I totally confused you, yet?) It's 1:30 a.m. - Friday.
Yesterday, went well. Joel was tired and didn't stay at church for choir practice. I don't know if he catnapped after he got home or just relaxed with remote in hand. He might have rushed home to the yummy supper that he'd been wanting. It was in the "alfalfa" range. I made stuffed bell peppers with a twist using Penzey's spices. I even liked them & I am very picky.
I worked 1/2 day yesterday in one of my favorite classes to work in. Today I worked in a 5th grade class that was wonderful. I really miss working at the school full time, so I cherish the days that I am there. I still say my little prayer, "please don't let it be Kindergarten" when my phone rings. ha!
Joel's day, today was good. He got a little "shot" of energy from some candy. Apparently, he was asking for any morsels of leftover Halloween candy that anyone might have. He said that he told them it was okay for him to have it when they'd asked if he was suppose to have it. (I think his nose grew a bit on that one.)
We didn't do so well with our supper tonight. But it's our first real big NO-NO. About 17 of us met to go hear the best Bluegrass gospel group, The Marksmen. They were performing in New Braunfels. We were given the tickets. Before the show, several met at CiCi's Pizza. Joel ordered a crustless pizza and had salad. I think that I ate a little of everything. It's one of my very favorite foods and my control goes right out the door. We'll eat better tomorrow.
After the Marksmen show, we went to some friends and had coffee and dessert. I passed on the dessert which was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard. Diane makes the best pies, EVER, and she had a cherry pie and a coconut cream. Two of my favorites. Especially, the cherry. I was just too full from the pizza. Now, had it been her apple pie, I would have found a corner to stuff it into. Oh, my gosh!!!!! She makes the best apple pie ever. LOTS of cinnamon. I think that I just gained 3 lbs. thinking about it. I will not tattle on Joel's decision to partake or not to partake.
It was so much fun getting together with our friends for such a wonderful show and good food and fellowship. Right before we left to come home, Diane got out her guitar and we all sat around for a little while and sang some gospel songs. I always enjoy that so much! Just wish that we could have kept it going for a little while longer. But no matter how long we sing, it's NEVER long enough. Too much fun!!!!!!!
It is now 2:00 a.m. I'm going to go get reacquainted with my pillow. Y'all can encourage me not to be grumpy later today from lack of sleep. Y'all are the best!
Love and Prayers to all!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Work - Day 2
Today was better in one respect, but then in another, it was so so. He wasn't asleep by 7, tho. It will take some time to get things going, but he will get there. I am so thankful that he works for who he does. We feel so blessed by having such a boss. Terry and Joel worked for over 20 yrs. for C R Blank Plumbing Co. in San Antonio, which was a wonderful company to work for, too. After that company sold, they were at different companies. A few yrs. later, Terry started his own company, Stewart Plumbing. He runs his company like Mr. Blank did.....with integrity, being firm but fair, & caring. We were praying that Joel would eventually get hired by Terry. Talk about a pinata moment!!! It's been wonderful.
After Blank sold, Joel interviewed with and worked for different companies. He came home from one interview and I just knew that he'd gotten the job. I mean, who wouldn't want to hire Joel????? right???? He had been offered the job, but he said, "I can't work for them because of some of their policies in dealing with people." I was, and still am so proud of him.
Should any of you ever need a plumber, I would highly recommend Stewart Plumbing out of Converse. Even if Joel didn't work for him, I'd still stand behind that statement.
I know how it feels to be so happy with your boss. Not everyone can say that. I was blessed, as well, with a wonderful boss. She never allowed anyone to call her "boss", either. She had the attitude that being a boss put you on a ladder where someone had to be on top & someone was always getting stepped on . Her attitude was more of working in a circle so it could be widened and everyone felt comfortable. The two best words to describe her.... tenacious & fair. I feel like maybe I've told y'all that before, but it's worth repeating to me.
Today, I worked with a 3rd grade class. Now that's a place that can make you feel like a queen. (uhhh, that would be 'king' for the guys.) The kids are so loving. I wonder sometimes about the eclectic mix of the personalities with the kids. No matter what they are, there is something special about each one of them, that makes you want to keep going back. It never fails, one of them will make me feel so special some time during the day. I wish that I had kept every little note, special drawings, pictures, etc. from day one. That would be a wonderful box to open up when the spirits are down. I have kept a few.
I am having to keep encouraging my eyes to stay open so guess that's my dealing for the day. Hope you've found an encouraging opportunity.
Love and Prayers to all!
After Blank sold, Joel interviewed with and worked for different companies. He came home from one interview and I just knew that he'd gotten the job. I mean, who wouldn't want to hire Joel????? right???? He had been offered the job, but he said, "I can't work for them because of some of their policies in dealing with people." I was, and still am so proud of him.
Should any of you ever need a plumber, I would highly recommend Stewart Plumbing out of Converse. Even if Joel didn't work for him, I'd still stand behind that statement.
I know how it feels to be so happy with your boss. Not everyone can say that. I was blessed, as well, with a wonderful boss. She never allowed anyone to call her "boss", either. She had the attitude that being a boss put you on a ladder where someone had to be on top & someone was always getting stepped on . Her attitude was more of working in a circle so it could be widened and everyone felt comfortable. The two best words to describe her.... tenacious & fair. I feel like maybe I've told y'all that before, but it's worth repeating to me.
Today, I worked with a 3rd grade class. Now that's a place that can make you feel like a queen. (uhhh, that would be 'king' for the guys.) The kids are so loving. I wonder sometimes about the eclectic mix of the personalities with the kids. No matter what they are, there is something special about each one of them, that makes you want to keep going back. It never fails, one of them will make me feel so special some time during the day. I wish that I had kept every little note, special drawings, pictures, etc. from day one. That would be a wonderful box to open up when the spirits are down. I have kept a few.
I am having to keep encouraging my eyes to stay open so guess that's my dealing for the day. Hope you've found an encouraging opportunity.
Love and Prayers to all!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Shhhhh!!!! He's asleep....
We've been getting phone calls to see how Joel's first day back to work went. They didn't want to wait for this news bulletin. It's so nice to know that so many were thinking about and praying for him today and sitting on edge to find out what's going on. Y'all are the best!
I tried taking a video as he walked to the truck, but didn't quite get it. I did kiss the back of the truck as it pulled down the drive. Ha! And yes, the dog moped. But I made it up to her with a few little extra treats. She is a bit spoiled. Joel will tell you that she is my dog.
While I was out of town one time, I made a comment that we'd gotten old because we were talking to our dog on the phone. He told me that I was the one talking to the dog on the phone. I replied back, "uhhhhhhhh, and who's holding the phone?" He could only say, "oh."...........She's OURS.
His first day went well. He came home really pooped, tho. He was asleep in the recliner a little after 7 and he is still there. When he got out of the truck, he was limping. When I asked him why, he said that he was stiff. I made him one of his favorite meals, salad with some yummy dressing (Penzey's mix) and some Italian pork (with extra Penzey's spices). Really good stuff! After he ate, he was out in just a few mins. Hopefully, his stamina will improve quickly.
I went by the school today and watched a 5th grade class, while the teacher could go to our friend's daughter's funeral. The kids were so good and I enjoyed my time with them. I don't know if this is just a great group of kids, or they were being compassionate for the situation.
After I left school, I went to pick up Joel's meds. (seems like that is a weekly event) and then to the store to replenish the alfalfa stock. While writing the date on both checks, I kept thinking......"November the 7th.....hmmmmmm??? That's sounding really familiar." So many good people that I know and love have/had birthdays in Nov. and I have a slight memory lapse every now and then.....Okay?
NOW I remember why I put the birthday card on the table a while back so I would remember .... Happy Birthday Karrie! It counts, cause it's still the 7th. :)
My brother is feeling better. My sister is still fighting congestion, cough, sneezing, and everything else that goes along with the allergies or whatever cootie bug she has. I am slowly getting my normal voice back. So far, Joel is the only one that hasn't come down with this. Please keep that on your prayer list, too.
Encourage yourself to try something that you've always wanted to.
Love and Prayers to all!
I tried taking a video as he walked to the truck, but didn't quite get it. I did kiss the back of the truck as it pulled down the drive. Ha! And yes, the dog moped. But I made it up to her with a few little extra treats. She is a bit spoiled. Joel will tell you that she is my dog.
While I was out of town one time, I made a comment that we'd gotten old because we were talking to our dog on the phone. He told me that I was the one talking to the dog on the phone. I replied back, "uhhhhhhhh, and who's holding the phone?" He could only say, "oh."...........She's OURS.
His first day went well. He came home really pooped, tho. He was asleep in the recliner a little after 7 and he is still there. When he got out of the truck, he was limping. When I asked him why, he said that he was stiff. I made him one of his favorite meals, salad with some yummy dressing (Penzey's mix) and some Italian pork (with extra Penzey's spices). Really good stuff! After he ate, he was out in just a few mins. Hopefully, his stamina will improve quickly.
I went by the school today and watched a 5th grade class, while the teacher could go to our friend's daughter's funeral. The kids were so good and I enjoyed my time with them. I don't know if this is just a great group of kids, or they were being compassionate for the situation.
After I left school, I went to pick up Joel's meds. (seems like that is a weekly event) and then to the store to replenish the alfalfa stock. While writing the date on both checks, I kept thinking......"November the 7th.....hmmmmmm??? That's sounding really familiar." So many good people that I know and love have/had birthdays in Nov. and I have a slight memory lapse every now and then.....Okay?
NOW I remember why I put the birthday card on the table a while back so I would remember .... Happy Birthday Karrie! It counts, cause it's still the 7th. :)
My brother is feeling better. My sister is still fighting congestion, cough, sneezing, and everything else that goes along with the allergies or whatever cootie bug she has. I am slowly getting my normal voice back. So far, Joel is the only one that hasn't come down with this. Please keep that on your prayer list, too.
Encourage yourself to try something that you've always wanted to.
Love and Prayers to all!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
I've been thinking......
We watched a movie at church, today about being a Fan or a Follower of Jesus. Very heavy thoughts! Sad to say, I fit more as a "fan", which I am thankful that I am at least that. But how much greater it would be if I could truthfully say that I was a "follower" and be content with that. But I would be lying to even suggest that I was close to being a follower. I am way too comfortable where I am when I think of where I might need to be. I can talk myself out of many obvious blessings due to fear of the "unknown". There is always a part of me that does want to do more, but then my selfish side sets in. Just today, I was at a red light and for some reason, it seemed to have stayed on red way too long. There was a man standing on the corner with a sign that was a little hard to read. Joel even commented about it. It looked like, "Homeless OR Hungry". I had on dark shades and still felt like the mans eyes were piercing through mine, but I focused on the "OR" of his sign and tried to get past the penetrating look. I thought about the too long of a red light and then wondered......was I suppose to give him something?????? Was that why the light stayed red so long??????? Did his eyes seem to see mine through the dark shades??????? Was God trying to "talk to me"??????? Did I miss an opportunity to be used of God???????? Did I miss a blessing??????? I know that not everyone standing on a street corner is legitimately in need, but is that my job to figure it out? Absolutely NOT! I think that I miss lots of blessings by not putting my thoughts into actions. I would not have gone totally broke had I handed him some change or a dollar. I thought about it, but not because of the compassion I should have felt. I, ME, MYSELF, SUZIE, was the uncomfortable one. Maybe someone would see me. Maybe I would hold up traffic and get someone angry. Maybe I would be grabbed. Maybe I would get dirty. Maybe, Maybe, Maybe......WHY all the maybes? Because I was fighting the conviction to do something out of my comfort zone and talked myself out of it.
There are more times that I should have and could have done something that I didn't. I can always come up with an excuse. Does that make it right? NOPE!!! Discernment is important and needs to be utilized for safety. But I use that as an excuse, when I don't really think that was the issue. How history would have been rewritten had someone like me been walking where the Good Samaritan walked. And I am so thankful to say, "He's still working on me!"
Just had that on my heart. I know that I am not the only one that struggles with things like that, but knowing by name, someone else that does, may help. It does me.
In just a few short hours, Joel will be waking to the sound of the alarm. I may still be wide awake from all the excitement (and fear of oversleeping). I've made his lunch & snack and have it sitting by the backdoor. Maybe I should set an extra alarm. Wish I had thought of having a few of y'all call in the morning as a backup. Ha! Guess he'd think it silly to snap a picture.....kinda like when our kids went off to Kindergarten.
The only sadness around here, will be the dog. She has grown pretty spoiled with all the extra attention and treats from all the in & out treks she's made. Being a Border Collie mix, she is very smart and has figured out (about 35 lbs. ago) that she gets a treat every time she goes out, whether she does her business or not. So....she loves to try to get us to let her in and out, in and out, in and out....Guess you can say that she helped Joel with his rehab.
I was asked this morning if I was going to continue my blogging since Joel is going back to work. I paused to think about things getting back to normal and what WOULD I have to blog about. Before I could really answer, she was encouraging me to continue. Well, there you go.....that sweet word, "ENCOURAGE". I've thought about it off and on today, and you know what???? It's never "normal" or dull around here, so for now, I will keep it going. Thank you to those who are still here with me. Encourage someone to smile today.
oops! It's nearly 1:30 a.m.. I'm gonna go get snugly with my pillow.
Love and Prayers to all!
There are more times that I should have and could have done something that I didn't. I can always come up with an excuse. Does that make it right? NOPE!!! Discernment is important and needs to be utilized for safety. But I use that as an excuse, when I don't really think that was the issue. How history would have been rewritten had someone like me been walking where the Good Samaritan walked. And I am so thankful to say, "He's still working on me!"
Just had that on my heart. I know that I am not the only one that struggles with things like that, but knowing by name, someone else that does, may help. It does me.
In just a few short hours, Joel will be waking to the sound of the alarm. I may still be wide awake from all the excitement (and fear of oversleeping). I've made his lunch & snack and have it sitting by the backdoor. Maybe I should set an extra alarm. Wish I had thought of having a few of y'all call in the morning as a backup. Ha! Guess he'd think it silly to snap a picture.....kinda like when our kids went off to Kindergarten.
The only sadness around here, will be the dog. She has grown pretty spoiled with all the extra attention and treats from all the in & out treks she's made. Being a Border Collie mix, she is very smart and has figured out (about 35 lbs. ago) that she gets a treat every time she goes out, whether she does her business or not. So....she loves to try to get us to let her in and out, in and out, in and out....Guess you can say that she helped Joel with his rehab.
I was asked this morning if I was going to continue my blogging since Joel is going back to work. I paused to think about things getting back to normal and what WOULD I have to blog about. Before I could really answer, she was encouraging me to continue. Well, there you go.....that sweet word, "ENCOURAGE". I've thought about it off and on today, and you know what???? It's never "normal" or dull around here, so for now, I will keep it going. Thank you to those who are still here with me. Encourage someone to smile today.
oops! It's nearly 1:30 a.m.. I'm gonna go get snugly with my pillow.
Love and Prayers to all!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Bill's Back Home :)
Friday, November 4, 2011
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back to Work He Goes!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
More Blessings!
I am feeling so much better, and not quite as froggy sounding. Still sneezing and coughing, tho. But, I'm thinking by tomorrow afternoon, I will be "ok" and will be able to sing in my normal key. Thank you for praying for me. I know that it is just a fun thing that I am looking forward to, but I really enjoy singing with Diane and Prissy and it's a great stress releasing tool.
We had lunch today with one of our best friends, Bernd. It was so good to see him. He was widowed a little over a yr. ago. SAD!!!!! We stay in touch, via email, but getting to sit and visit face to face is always a blessing. He has the best smile that lights up a room. You would think that he and Joel are brothers the way that they cut up. We need not to wait so long to get together again. We used to go camping with them all the time, but then grand kids started coming and we didn't go as much. sad, sad, sad!!! Now I wish that we would have just packed up the grand kids and drug them along. But I let those darn worries of snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. attacking one of them and talked myself out of it. Another lesson of ENJOYING life and let God take care of what we worry senseless about. I'm not saying not being responsible, just help me to relax and enjoy more things in life.
Last year we took a trip to Colorado to see our daughter and her family and I missed enjoying some of the sight seeing on the mountains because of fear. I worried about falling off the mountain or worst yet, being attacked by a bear. Joel went with our son-in-law and enjoyed the beautiful view. (But he did see bear tracks, which made me thankful that I'd not gone, at the time.) Now.....I wish that I had gone and seen more of the beauty that God created. MY LOSS!!!! But someday when we go back, I think that I will go see more. ..........(Anyone know where I can get bear spray?........... just in case)
After you sit around for any length of time you start to think that you are "forgotten". At least, my brain goes that way. This week, Joel and my brother have received more "Thinking of You" cards and today, one of Joel's co-workers called to check on him and tell him that he is missed. It's another lesson in compassion and thoughtfulness. I know several friends that I should be sending cards to or calling, but then for some reason don't. Hopefully, I will remember this and act on it. I see how such a simple act of kindness has affected both of my guys. Thank you so much! It has meant a lot.
Bill's home health care nurse is coming every day to treat his feet and to check on his vitals. Thank goodness for this service! He is doing so much better now. His sugar levels are staying in a normal range. He's lost more weight, and his spirits are up. My sister is cracking the whip on what he eats and what he does. I don't know what we'd do without her. I'm still trying to decide about the WONDERFUL DELICIOUS cinnamon rolls that she makes. I'm thinking smelling them wouldn't hurt.....BUT I know that I couldn't pass them up. They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YUMMY!!!!!!!!! Maybe for my birthday, or Thanksgiving, or Christmas, New Years, Valentines, Ground Hog's Day, ......something....
Our church's teens are having a fundraiser this coming Sat. with a bake sale and Rock-A-Thon. If you are in the McQueeney area from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., drop by and make a donation, buy a baked good, and support the youth. They are our future and I am so thankful that these kids are in church and involved. It's on Hwy. 78, McQueeney Baptist.
I still can't say thank you enough for everyone lending me their ears over the past several weeks. It's such a blessing for me. Add someone to this stream of encouragement that y'all keep sending my way.
Love and Prayers to all!
We had lunch today with one of our best friends, Bernd. It was so good to see him. He was widowed a little over a yr. ago. SAD!!!!! We stay in touch, via email, but getting to sit and visit face to face is always a blessing. He has the best smile that lights up a room. You would think that he and Joel are brothers the way that they cut up. We need not to wait so long to get together again. We used to go camping with them all the time, but then grand kids started coming and we didn't go as much. sad, sad, sad!!! Now I wish that we would have just packed up the grand kids and drug them along. But I let those darn worries of snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. attacking one of them and talked myself out of it. Another lesson of ENJOYING life and let God take care of what we worry senseless about. I'm not saying not being responsible, just help me to relax and enjoy more things in life.
Last year we took a trip to Colorado to see our daughter and her family and I missed enjoying some of the sight seeing on the mountains because of fear. I worried about falling off the mountain or worst yet, being attacked by a bear. Joel went with our son-in-law and enjoyed the beautiful view. (But he did see bear tracks, which made me thankful that I'd not gone, at the time.) Now.....I wish that I had gone and seen more of the beauty that God created. MY LOSS!!!! But someday when we go back, I think that I will go see more. ..........(Anyone know where I can get bear spray?........... just in case)
After you sit around for any length of time you start to think that you are "forgotten". At least, my brain goes that way. This week, Joel and my brother have received more "Thinking of You" cards and today, one of Joel's co-workers called to check on him and tell him that he is missed. It's another lesson in compassion and thoughtfulness. I know several friends that I should be sending cards to or calling, but then for some reason don't. Hopefully, I will remember this and act on it. I see how such a simple act of kindness has affected both of my guys. Thank you so much! It has meant a lot.
Bill's home health care nurse is coming every day to treat his feet and to check on his vitals. Thank goodness for this service! He is doing so much better now. His sugar levels are staying in a normal range. He's lost more weight, and his spirits are up. My sister is cracking the whip on what he eats and what he does. I don't know what we'd do without her. I'm still trying to decide about the WONDERFUL DELICIOUS cinnamon rolls that she makes. I'm thinking smelling them wouldn't hurt.....BUT I know that I couldn't pass them up. They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YUMMY!!!!!!!!! Maybe for my birthday, or Thanksgiving, or Christmas, New Years, Valentines, Ground Hog's Day, ......something....
Our church's teens are having a fundraiser this coming Sat. with a bake sale and Rock-A-Thon. If you are in the McQueeney area from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., drop by and make a donation, buy a baked good, and support the youth. They are our future and I am so thankful that these kids are in church and involved. It's on Hwy. 78, McQueeney Baptist.
I still can't say thank you enough for everyone lending me their ears over the past several weeks. It's such a blessing for me. Add someone to this stream of encouragement that y'all keep sending my way.
Love and Prayers to all!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Joel and Bill
Well, we are into another new month and the guys are still moving forward in their recovery. And that word, "forward" sounds so sweet. There have been so many worries and fears since all this began and as the days move forward, I see that it was such wasted energy, but .......I'm still using the excuse, I'M HUMAN. Will I learn from this? I sure hope so. I find myself borrowing from other peoples negative outcomes in situations that are similar. I know where to go to for comfort, peace, assurance, hope, etc., but I battle with it greatly. Why???? I don't know. But thankfully, I eventually get there. I just take the long way around. CRAZY!!!!
Joel went to his primary dr. today and got a good report. He also has 2 very sore arms, now. He got a flu shot in one and the shingles vaccine in the other. I don't understand why insurance doesn't pay for the later one. I'm thinking that the treatment would be a whole lot more costly. It was a mere $200.00 shot, but the dr. felt like he should get it. I've had shingles and it "ain't" funny! Hey, I'm for anything to keep him well! Anyway, he is all caught up on his vaccines, tetanus, etc. Now, just to get him able to have enough stamina to go back to work.
Bill went to see his regular dr. yesterday and got good news on his labs. The dr. was very impressed with all the results. They are still watching his red blood count and will test it again in 3 mo. Today he went to his wound care dr. He has some places that he has to keep wrapped until Mon. when he goes back. He has some more new problems with his feet. Darn this diabetes!!!! So frustrating. Please use this advice as a lesson to listen and do what you need to do if you are diabetic or border lined. So many people think that they can control it, but it still causes havoc on your internal organs. It's mean & horrible stuff! It was the cause of my brother going blind in his early 50's. Very sad!
Also, he is still having trouble with his pressure sore. The dr. has ordered a jell cushion to help even out the pressure. The donut cushion that I bought him is causing more problems than fixing one.
I still sound like a bull frog and the cough is so annoying and the headache hurts. I was hoping that I was going to see an improvement by now. I keep eating to make sure I don't get weak. I'm drinking lots of liquids to keep from dehydrating. I'm taking my medicine. I'm sleeping and sleeping and just sitting around to make sure my body gets rest. Any other suggestions?????? I need to get well or at least get my voice back within a normal range SOON!!!! I don't know how to sing bass. And Diane and Priscilla have their limits to a low range.
I made some yummy goulash tonight using my new Penzey's spices. I had my doubts, but, oh, my goodness... it was VERY GOOD!!! I have to remember what I did and which spices I grabbed. I'm glad that we are gonna have left overs. I made a big batch with just 1 pound of hamburger. (I used the 94/6).
One of my grandson's had his 5th birthday a couple of days ago. He's been involved in soccer and through ENCOURAGEMENT he is a whole different kid on the field than off. He is a great little soccer player and loves making goals. We all would, but he actually makes them. Seeing the transformation when he is out on the field is amazing. I know that we'd all benefit the same with encouragement over something we are involved in or trying to learn. Keep your eyes and ears open to do so.
Love and Prayers to all!
Joel went to his primary dr. today and got a good report. He also has 2 very sore arms, now. He got a flu shot in one and the shingles vaccine in the other. I don't understand why insurance doesn't pay for the later one. I'm thinking that the treatment would be a whole lot more costly. It was a mere $200.00 shot, but the dr. felt like he should get it. I've had shingles and it "ain't" funny! Hey, I'm for anything to keep him well! Anyway, he is all caught up on his vaccines, tetanus, etc. Now, just to get him able to have enough stamina to go back to work.
Bill went to see his regular dr. yesterday and got good news on his labs. The dr. was very impressed with all the results. They are still watching his red blood count and will test it again in 3 mo. Today he went to his wound care dr. He has some places that he has to keep wrapped until Mon. when he goes back. He has some more new problems with his feet. Darn this diabetes!!!! So frustrating. Please use this advice as a lesson to listen and do what you need to do if you are diabetic or border lined. So many people think that they can control it, but it still causes havoc on your internal organs. It's mean & horrible stuff! It was the cause of my brother going blind in his early 50's. Very sad!
Also, he is still having trouble with his pressure sore. The dr. has ordered a jell cushion to help even out the pressure. The donut cushion that I bought him is causing more problems than fixing one.
I still sound like a bull frog and the cough is so annoying and the headache hurts. I was hoping that I was going to see an improvement by now. I keep eating to make sure I don't get weak. I'm drinking lots of liquids to keep from dehydrating. I'm taking my medicine. I'm sleeping and sleeping and just sitting around to make sure my body gets rest. Any other suggestions?????? I need to get well or at least get my voice back within a normal range SOON!!!! I don't know how to sing bass. And Diane and Priscilla have their limits to a low range.
I made some yummy goulash tonight using my new Penzey's spices. I had my doubts, but, oh, my goodness... it was VERY GOOD!!! I have to remember what I did and which spices I grabbed. I'm glad that we are gonna have left overs. I made a big batch with just 1 pound of hamburger. (I used the 94/6).
One of my grandson's had his 5th birthday a couple of days ago. He's been involved in soccer and through ENCOURAGEMENT he is a whole different kid on the field than off. He is a great little soccer player and loves making goals. We all would, but he actually makes them. Seeing the transformation when he is out on the field is amazing. I know that we'd all benefit the same with encouragement over something we are involved in or trying to learn. Keep your eyes and ears open to do so.
Love and Prayers to all!
Monday, October 31, 2011
A Day Skipped
No! No! No! No! No!!!!! I AM NOT BELIEVING WHAT I JUST DID. Again, I somehow managed to wipe out my whole email / blog. It is NOWHERE!!!! I've searched and searched but it's gone, GONE, G-O-N-E, I guess gone with the socks.....???????
Oh, well.... I'll begin again.
awwwwwww!!!!! Some of y'all missed me. I am sorry about the skipped day, but I was not feeling well and ended up taking some meds. that made me ewwwwwww yukkkkkk feeling and I went to bed covered my head, thinking that it would pass in a few mins., but woke up at 2:30 a.m. and spent the rest of the night trying to muffle coughs. I ended up going to the dr. this afternoon and am on an antibiotic hoping that I get my voice back and have no cough in 2 1/2 days (there's that "2 1/2" again......just saying)
I spent about 6 hrs. on & off the computer and phones between Fri. & Sat. trying to get
Joel's phone fixed. I finally gave up and we had to take it into the Apple Store in San Antonio. It's not a real convenient location, but hey.....that got it done! If you ever plan on going to an Apple Store, MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!!!!! They had at least 30 employees working the floor and all were busy, busy, busy. Fortunately, we were told to. Or, we may still have been there. Between them and the AT&T Store, I think that we made a great choice of providers.
Yesterday, we had our 5th Sunday singing program at church. Several people sign up to sing specials and it is always a blessing. One in particular, was a song about a young girl looking in the mirror and not liking what she saw, but then God reminded her that He'd made her beautiful. I'd never heard it before, but it got me to thinking about how so many people do focus on the outward appearance and not the beauty that comes from a beautiful heart and how much better off our world would be if we "saw" and "acted" through our hearts and not our eyes. I, for one,am always working on my outer appearance by using makeup, lotions, salves, balms, soaps, ointments, creams, emollients, liniments, washes, creams, scrubs, potions, etc., etc., etc., But........SAD to say, they don't do a thing for my heart because they can't reach it. That prescription comes only from Jesus living in my heart. I want to be known and remembered as someone with a beautiful heart. Now I have to remember to work on my actions, ALL THE TIME!!!
Two of our grand daughters have been nominated by their teachers for the "People to People" program. Abby is in Jr. High and Michelle is in High School. They will be having to raise money and apply for scholarships, and continue to pass all the steps necessary to be in the final 40 chosen. It sounds like a wonderful program and opportunity. They are already planning on what they can do. They are encouraged to work, do odd jobs, make things and sell, etc. It would take them to Australia this summer. I don't have all the details, yet, but am anxious to hear more about it. They are both great students. (And both have the beautiful hearts that I was talking about.) I am very proud of them and will help them in anyway that I can.
I guess our encouragement for the day would be to encourage someone to show their beautiful hearts more. Thank you for missing me. Please pray that Joel and my brother don't get this mess. Coughing would not be good for them.
Love and Prayers to all!
Oh, well.... I'll begin again.
awwwwwww!!!!! Some of y'all missed me. I am sorry about the skipped day, but I was not feeling well and ended up taking some meds. that made me ewwwwwww yukkkkkk feeling and I went to bed covered my head, thinking that it would pass in a few mins., but woke up at 2:30 a.m. and spent the rest of the night trying to muffle coughs. I ended up going to the dr. this afternoon and am on an antibiotic hoping that I get my voice back and have no cough in 2 1/2 days (there's that "2 1/2" again......just saying)
I spent about 6 hrs. on & off the computer and phones between Fri. & Sat. trying to get
Joel's phone fixed. I finally gave up and we had to take it into the Apple Store in San Antonio. It's not a real convenient location, but hey.....that got it done! If you ever plan on going to an Apple Store, MAKE AN APPOINTMENT!!!!! They had at least 30 employees working the floor and all were busy, busy, busy. Fortunately, we were told to. Or, we may still have been there. Between them and the AT&T Store, I think that we made a great choice of providers.
Yesterday, we had our 5th Sunday singing program at church. Several people sign up to sing specials and it is always a blessing. One in particular, was a song about a young girl looking in the mirror and not liking what she saw, but then God reminded her that He'd made her beautiful. I'd never heard it before, but it got me to thinking about how so many people do focus on the outward appearance and not the beauty that comes from a beautiful heart and how much better off our world would be if we "saw" and "acted" through our hearts and not our eyes. I, for one,am always working on my outer appearance by using makeup, lotions, salves, balms, soaps, ointments, creams, emollients, liniments, washes, creams, scrubs, potions, etc., etc., etc., But........SAD to say, they don't do a thing for my heart because they can't reach it. That prescription comes only from Jesus living in my heart. I want to be known and remembered as someone with a beautiful heart. Now I have to remember to work on my actions, ALL THE TIME!!!
Two of our grand daughters have been nominated by their teachers for the "People to People" program. Abby is in Jr. High and Michelle is in High School. They will be having to raise money and apply for scholarships, and continue to pass all the steps necessary to be in the final 40 chosen. It sounds like a wonderful program and opportunity. They are already planning on what they can do. They are encouraged to work, do odd jobs, make things and sell, etc. It would take them to Australia this summer. I don't have all the details, yet, but am anxious to hear more about it. They are both great students. (And both have the beautiful hearts that I was talking about.) I am very proud of them and will help them in anyway that I can.
I guess our encouragement for the day would be to encourage someone to show their beautiful hearts more. Thank you for missing me. Please pray that Joel and my brother don't get this mess. Coughing would not be good for them.
Love and Prayers to all!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
WE DANCED !!!!!!!
Tonight we waltzed 2 1/2 waltzes. I think that is pretty amazing! And the trio that I sing with is "The 2 1/2 Angels". Just saying....
I was hostessing at the Silver Center for the 'Almost Patsy Cline' program, which is a wonderful group! If you ever have a chance to go hear them, it is well worth it. VERY GOOD!!!! When they started playing Jole Blon (which is our favorite) Joel decided that we should try it, and the second time around the floor, Joel said, "oh crap." I asked him, in a panic, "what's wrong?" (I'd just reminded him that we couldn't do the chest compressions very easily.) He said, "I guess this means that I have to go back to work." What a relief that we've come this far. It would be nice if he didn't have to go back to work, but the bills are due. yeehaw!
My brother's having more problems with his feet. Home health care is already coming out to take care of him for a while. He said he doesn't know what to do. He's suppose to stay off his feet, but yet get exercise, it hurts to sit, and hurts to lay. The only position left would be for him to stand on his head. Even with all the things wrong, he is so happy being home. I think any of us would be!
Please pray that I am not going to come down with what I feel like I'm coming down with. Our group is suppose to sing at a pretty big show pretty soon. I don't want to have to go to the dr. to try and get something for it. Maybe that explains the mully grub feeling that I've been having the past few days. Hopefully, it's just allergies and I can get something over the counter to fix it.
It's short, but it's late. For some reason the time posted on these blogs is not the time that I work on them. Right now it is 1:26 a.m.. We've had a long evening, but a fun one. I will try to catch up on everything tomorrow.
Good night and may we all dream of encouraging someone.
Love and Prayers to all!
I was hostessing at the Silver Center for the 'Almost Patsy Cline' program, which is a wonderful group! If you ever have a chance to go hear them, it is well worth it. VERY GOOD!!!! When they started playing Jole Blon (which is our favorite) Joel decided that we should try it, and the second time around the floor, Joel said, "oh crap." I asked him, in a panic, "what's wrong?" (I'd just reminded him that we couldn't do the chest compressions very easily.) He said, "I guess this means that I have to go back to work." What a relief that we've come this far. It would be nice if he didn't have to go back to work, but the bills are due. yeehaw!
My brother's having more problems with his feet. Home health care is already coming out to take care of him for a while. He said he doesn't know what to do. He's suppose to stay off his feet, but yet get exercise, it hurts to sit, and hurts to lay. The only position left would be for him to stand on his head. Even with all the things wrong, he is so happy being home. I think any of us would be!
Please pray that I am not going to come down with what I feel like I'm coming down with. Our group is suppose to sing at a pretty big show pretty soon. I don't want to have to go to the dr. to try and get something for it. Maybe that explains the mully grub feeling that I've been having the past few days. Hopefully, it's just allergies and I can get something over the counter to fix it.
It's short, but it's late. For some reason the time posted on these blogs is not the time that I work on them. Right now it is 1:26 a.m.. We've had a long evening, but a fun one. I will try to catch up on everything tomorrow.
Good night and may we all dream of encouraging someone.
Love and Prayers to all!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Should I or Shouldn't I?
I wondered if I should open up and let everyone know some of my true feelings. It's hard and I struggled with, "is this just too much whining?". But the One that I am trying to "hide" from is the One who created me and designed my life. (Sometimes I wonder if He was paying attention, and other times I think He sure has a good sense of humor!) I admit.......I am a mess! But God loves me and is still working on me, and will be till the end of time. (And I am sure glad that I am in the works!) I will forever be thankful that I have Him as my "Daddy" to run to whenever I want and for whatever I want, knowing that He is ALWAYS there just waiting. The thing is, I let go of His hand, but He has me in the palm of His hand and won't let go of me. WHY, do I forget that? Again.........., I am human and there are other humans out there that are hurting and needing a word of encouragement, a prayer, a hug, a smile, something.......I heard from a friend today that my blogging was helping her get through some tough times. Wow! I hate that she is having tough times, but what a blessing to find out that by my putting my heart and feelings out there, it is helping someone. I told her that we couldn't survive this world of craziness without other Christian friends. So....I may, at times, look like a complete whiny, confused, upset, needy, woe is me, sad, and pitiful mess, but hang with me. I know that there is a blessing that is going to surface.
Lately, most of my devotions have been on being still, trusting, and calling out to God regardless of how I feel. WOW!!!! Sounds so simple and it is. I just make it hard.
We are still having phone woes. But we will get them figured out. We keep going back to the AT&T store in New Braunfels (which I HIGHLY recommend!). We are working with a salesman named Frank, that I HIGHLY recommend, too! I've never had customer service like we've had there. The problem is not with them. I had a faulty phone and then I did something to Joel's trying to "fix" it and now we get to make another trip over there. Frank, definitely, needs a raise! He is the most patient salesman that I've ever had. And knows his stuff!
Now for the GOOD STUFF..............................
BILL IS HOME........WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so happy. My sister got him home this morning and he's had a good day. He even rode to town with her and Peg but sat in the car while they went to the grocery store for "alfalfa". He is determined to follow his diet that he was on while in rehab. My sister has also been watching what she eats. All this has scared her, too. She has polymyalgia (sp?) which really gets here down at times.
Let's keep the prayers going. It is so comforting to know that I am being lifted in prayer every day by someone and I think it's the times when I don't feel worthy to lift myself. THANK YOU!!!!!
Keep your eyes and ears open for an opportunity to encourage someone.
Love and Prayers to all!
Lately, most of my devotions have been on being still, trusting, and calling out to God regardless of how I feel. WOW!!!! Sounds so simple and it is. I just make it hard.
We are still having phone woes. But we will get them figured out. We keep going back to the AT&T store in New Braunfels (which I HIGHLY recommend!). We are working with a salesman named Frank, that I HIGHLY recommend, too! I've never had customer service like we've had there. The problem is not with them. I had a faulty phone and then I did something to Joel's trying to "fix" it and now we get to make another trip over there. Frank, definitely, needs a raise! He is the most patient salesman that I've ever had. And knows his stuff!
Now for the GOOD STUFF..............................
BILL IS HOME........WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so happy. My sister got him home this morning and he's had a good day. He even rode to town with her and Peg but sat in the car while they went to the grocery store for "alfalfa". He is determined to follow his diet that he was on while in rehab. My sister has also been watching what she eats. All this has scared her, too. She has polymyalgia (sp?) which really gets here down at times.
Let's keep the prayers going. It is so comforting to know that I am being lifted in prayer every day by someone and I think it's the times when I don't feel worthy to lift myself. THANK YOU!!!!!
Keep your eyes and ears open for an opportunity to encourage someone.
Love and Prayers to all!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Bill Coming Home!
We went by to see Bill today and he looked so good. He is so excited about having just one more sleep, (that's the way we measure time), before getting to come home. He had Peg go pick up some of his things so he wouldn't have so much to cart home tomorrow.
Carol got in this afternoon and is not feeling well. She had to go to the dr. yesterday to make sure that she wasn't contagious. He ran a strep test and it was negative. She has some meds. I sure hope that she doesn't get worse. And I hope that the dr. was right and she isn't giving anyone cooties.
We got a few more things checked off of our list of things to do today. I've been bitten by the mulley grub bug, again. I've felt like I was in slow motion all day not wanting to do anything, not wanting to talk to anyone, not wanting to see anyone, not wanting to, not wanting, not wanting, NOT WANTING. And what is so STUPID is I find it so hard to pray, which is what I need to do more than anything. It is so RIDICULOUS to allow myself to feel this way. Seems like it comes in waves more and more lately and this is a total repeat of my whining from a few days ago. grumble, grumble If I were 3, I would have a very shriveled thumb from sucking it so much!!!!
I did hear from Ginger, my favorite girl cousin today. (I can't say just favorite because I have a favorite boy cousin, too.) I guess the easier thing to say would be, I heard from one of my favorite cousins today. How's that? It's always such a blessing to hear from her. She has always made me feel so special.
Her sister's house was hit by lightning Sun. morning and was a total loss. SAD!!! But no one was hurt. They were home and able to get some of their grandmother's antique furniture out. And their neighbor has opened up their house to them, so they have a place to stay. Please say a prayer for them.
My sister brought me some farm fresh eggs today, so we had breakfast for dinner. Joel loves eggs, not the best choice if you are watching cholesterol, but he's only had 2 since his surgery and they were cage free.
I fixed grits, biscuits, and turkey bacon. Now, that is weird to me. I don't care for the texture or the taste, so just as soon do without.
Okay, I am already feeling better. I realize by writing this, that I have so much to be thankful for. I know that I could pick up the phone and call anyone of you and you'd listen. But pecking away at my keyboard and rereading things, makes it so clear as to how silly I sound, but how very human I am, too. I have the resources, just don't utilize the fortitude that it takes to get it together. SHAME ON ME!
I'm already shivering from the temp. change. I am not one that likes the cold, at all! I don't even like opening the refrigerator when the temp is below 70.
Please keep the prayers going up and throw in some encouragement to someone.
Love and Prayers to all!
Carol got in this afternoon and is not feeling well. She had to go to the dr. yesterday to make sure that she wasn't contagious. He ran a strep test and it was negative. She has some meds. I sure hope that she doesn't get worse. And I hope that the dr. was right and she isn't giving anyone cooties.
We got a few more things checked off of our list of things to do today. I've been bitten by the mulley grub bug, again. I've felt like I was in slow motion all day not wanting to do anything, not wanting to talk to anyone, not wanting to see anyone, not wanting to, not wanting, not wanting, NOT WANTING. And what is so STUPID is I find it so hard to pray, which is what I need to do more than anything. It is so RIDICULOUS to allow myself to feel this way. Seems like it comes in waves more and more lately and this is a total repeat of my whining from a few days ago. grumble, grumble If I were 3, I would have a very shriveled thumb from sucking it so much!!!!
I did hear from Ginger, my favorite girl cousin today. (I can't say just favorite because I have a favorite boy cousin, too.) I guess the easier thing to say would be, I heard from one of my favorite cousins today. How's that? It's always such a blessing to hear from her. She has always made me feel so special.
Her sister's house was hit by lightning Sun. morning and was a total loss. SAD!!! But no one was hurt. They were home and able to get some of their grandmother's antique furniture out. And their neighbor has opened up their house to them, so they have a place to stay. Please say a prayer for them.
My sister brought me some farm fresh eggs today, so we had breakfast for dinner. Joel loves eggs, not the best choice if you are watching cholesterol, but he's only had 2 since his surgery and they were cage free.
I fixed grits, biscuits, and turkey bacon. Now, that is weird to me. I don't care for the texture or the taste, so just as soon do without.
Okay, I am already feeling better. I realize by writing this, that I have so much to be thankful for. I know that I could pick up the phone and call anyone of you and you'd listen. But pecking away at my keyboard and rereading things, makes it so clear as to how silly I sound, but how very human I am, too. I have the resources, just don't utilize the fortitude that it takes to get it together. SHAME ON ME!
I'm already shivering from the temp. change. I am not one that likes the cold, at all! I don't even like opening the refrigerator when the temp is below 70.
Please keep the prayers going up and throw in some encouragement to someone.
Love and Prayers to all!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
My Favorite Time!
I was just signing on to start this blog and noticed that it was 11:11 p.m., which is my most favorite time of all. Always makes me smile.
We had another long, running around, & busy day. But we got most of it done. We started off early heading to San Antonio to get Joel's glasses fixed, back to Marion to vote, to Seguin to the post office, the bank, the Silver Center, getting an oil change, picking up some prescriptions, to New Braunfels to see about getting my phone problems fixed, then to San Marcos to sing at a nursing/rehab center in San Marcos, back to Seguin to grab a bite to eat, the to McQueeney to get to church for Awanas and choir practice, and then home to start some laundry. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I needed to go to the grocery store, but that will have to wait. Joel stayed with me all day, so guess you can say that he got his therapy, of sorts. We are so hoping that he will be able to get to the point where he feels strong enough to go back to work SOON! I may be alone with that hope. I'm thinking he's been enjoying the extras a little too much. ha!
My sister will be here tomorrow. YEAAAAAAA!!!!!! She will be Bill's gestapo (?sp) making sure that he takes his meds correctly, make all his dr. visits, does his exercises and/or therapy, and eat right.
OH MY GOODNESS......It just hit me that we are really going to have to behave on the eating part. She is well known for her cooking, and she makes the best cinnamon rolls and biscuits in the world. TOO YUMMY! And I can't eat just one. We may have to have a burial for all the shortening & butter around here, so we won't be tempted. SAD!!!!! Maybe one little batch. I am drooling thinking about them. Guess I better go change my jammies, go to bed, and hope my dreams are of them.
Lately, my days have been very boring, but it's ME, aka "Lucy", and something is bound to change soon.
I am encouraging my brain to shut down and get some rest. Y'all find someone to encourage, too.
Till later
Love and Prayers to all!
We had another long, running around, & busy day. But we got most of it done. We started off early heading to San Antonio to get Joel's glasses fixed, back to Marion to vote, to Seguin to the post office, the bank, the Silver Center, getting an oil change, picking up some prescriptions, to New Braunfels to see about getting my phone problems fixed, then to San Marcos to sing at a nursing/rehab center in San Marcos, back to Seguin to grab a bite to eat, the to McQueeney to get to church for Awanas and choir practice, and then home to start some laundry. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew! I needed to go to the grocery store, but that will have to wait. Joel stayed with me all day, so guess you can say that he got his therapy, of sorts. We are so hoping that he will be able to get to the point where he feels strong enough to go back to work SOON! I may be alone with that hope. I'm thinking he's been enjoying the extras a little too much. ha!
My sister will be here tomorrow. YEAAAAAAA!!!!!! She will be Bill's gestapo (?sp) making sure that he takes his meds correctly, make all his dr. visits, does his exercises and/or therapy, and eat right.
OH MY GOODNESS......It just hit me that we are really going to have to behave on the eating part. She is well known for her cooking, and she makes the best cinnamon rolls and biscuits in the world. TOO YUMMY! And I can't eat just one. We may have to have a burial for all the shortening & butter around here, so we won't be tempted. SAD!!!!! Maybe one little batch. I am drooling thinking about them. Guess I better go change my jammies, go to bed, and hope my dreams are of them.
Lately, my days have been very boring, but it's ME, aka "Lucy", and something is bound to change soon.
I am encouraging my brain to shut down and get some rest. Y'all find someone to encourage, too.
Till later
Love and Prayers to all!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
What Was I Thinkin'?
I should plan ahead! I have my days and nights mixed up. I've been turning out the lights (sort of), thinking that I'd go to sleep and then am still watching t.v., or get back on the computer, or letting the dog out, etc, etc. until 1 - 2 a.m. I thought it was fine last night to be up that late and then a little after 6 this morning, I get a CHEERY call to come sub. I'm not going to say no, unless I have an appt. somewhere. Wow!!! What a long day. If I had had a really quiet class, I probably would have nodded off. But I had active, happy go lucky first graders. I think their was like 61 of them, or was that 16???? They kept me awake for sure. But I love it. It is very rewarding to watch them finally click with something they've been trying to learn.
Joel and the dog kept each other company all day. One of them even washed the dishes.
Joel is still using his breathing apparatus and is not getting so winded doing things. We are getting there, slowly but surely! woo hoo !!!
Bill is counting the hours till he will be home. He is having therapy 2 times a day. Peg took his dog to visit with him today. I don't know which one gets more excited, Bill or Puff.... I know that I am crazy about our dog and I'm not with her 24/7 like Bill is with his. That is all he has all day, since he can't see well enough to drive himself. VERY SPOILED animals!!!!
I know have 9 signed in followers on my blog site. Some of you are still asking me about it. I will try to explain how to get to the blog, if you are one that is reading this via email. In the box where you search for things on the web, type in http://www.sharedjoy.blogspot.com/ OR click on the highlighted, underlined words in this paragraph and it should take you right to it. Then if you want easy access, you can save it to your favorites by clicking on 'favorites' right under your search bar, and click on save to favorites. After that all you have to do is click on favorites and drag the mouse down to 'sharedjoy' and my blog will pop up. You can leave messages to me, too. I'm sure there is computer lingo that makes more sense. I'll ask my son if you are still having trouble.
I need to get it updated and post some pictures. WHEN I get that part of it figured out. I feel like I am getting to the age, that I shouldn't put off things too long or buy really green bananas.
I use the time while driving to work to pray for different ones. Today I was having trouble focusing and remembering everyone's prayer request that had been emailed to me just in the past few weeks. Seems there has been so many. I need to write them down so I will be sure and pray as requested. I know the urgency that I feel when I ask for prayer. But then I thought that God knows what is on our hearts and even when we don't remember names, circumstances, etc., He does. Keep praying!
You know the routine....E-N-C-O-U-R-A-G-E!!!
Love and Prayers to all!
Joel and the dog kept each other company all day. One of them even washed the dishes.
Bill is counting the hours till he will be home. He is having therapy 2 times a day. Peg took his dog to visit with him today. I don't know which one gets more excited, Bill or Puff.... I know that I am crazy about our dog and I'm not with her 24/7 like Bill is with his. That is all he has all day, since he can't see well enough to drive himself. VERY SPOILED animals!!!!
I know have 9 signed in followers on my blog site. Some of you are still asking me about it. I will try to explain how to get to the blog, if you are one that is reading this via email. In the box where you search for things on the web, type in http://www.sharedjoy.blogspot.com/ OR click on the highlighted, underlined words in this paragraph and it should take you right to it. Then if you want easy access, you can save it to your favorites by clicking on 'favorites' right under your search bar, and click on save to favorites. After that all you have to do is click on favorites and drag the mouse down to 'sharedjoy' and my blog will pop up. You can leave messages to me, too. I'm sure there is computer lingo that makes more sense. I'll ask my son if you are still having trouble.
I need to get it updated and post some pictures. WHEN I get that part of it figured out. I feel like I am getting to the age, that I shouldn't put off things too long or buy really green bananas.
I use the time while driving to work to pray for different ones. Today I was having trouble focusing and remembering everyone's prayer request that had been emailed to me just in the past few weeks. Seems there has been so many. I need to write them down so I will be sure and pray as requested. I know the urgency that I feel when I ask for prayer. But then I thought that God knows what is on our hearts and even when we don't remember names, circumstances, etc., He does. Keep praying!
You know the routine....E-N-C-O-U-R-A-G-E!!!
Love and Prayers to all!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Day 34
I thought that I should start early, since my computer is still giving me a bit of trouble. It doesn't want to do anything. Sorta like me.....sluggish I got called to work this morning for just the afternoon. Had a 4th grade class. They had plenty to keep them busy, which is great for the sub. If they get finished with their work, they tend to lean towards doing what they want to do, which is usually to talk. It was good to get to the higher grade level elementary since I've not been there this yr. I have lots of friends there that I enjoy getting to say hi to. I don't know if Joel and the dog got too rowdy today, but Joel's glasses broke. We need to get them fixed. His old ones are in the work truck which his company picked up after he was admitted to the hospital. We can go get them, if necessary. Just hope the others can be fixed. I love getting messages from y'all. It is such a surprise sometimes. I got a real surprise from a cousin that I've not seen since I was a little girl. She found my name and phone # on a piece of paper while cleaning out a drawer. She'd lived with my parents while in high school before I was ever born. My mom had given her my name & phone # incase she would someday not be able to get ahold of Mom. It was so nice to hear from her. I do remember her, but not a lot about her. It was so sweet for her to call and catch up on my family and my siblings. Maybe cleaning out drawers will pay off for all of us. I have another prayer request. Linda, one of my good friends and neighbor was seriously injured by one of their cows. She has several broken ribs & spleen, liver and other internal injuries. Her husband couldn't make the cow stop, even by kicking and throwing things at it, but thankfully their 2 dogs were able to. She is in the trauma unit at University Hosp. Please pray that she will continue to heal and not have to have surgery. My brother is getting things set up for home health care. He is so excited about getting to come home. It will be so wonderful. My sister will be here this week to help get things ready and then she will be here to help till he gets more steady. Please remember that I am looking for silent auction items or donations. I need to get that going! It'll be here before you know it. I tend to think, "oh, I have plenty of time".......NOT!!!! I am trying to consolidate our phones and internet service to try and save money. So there may be a glitch in my blog for a few days. Not sure how all of this is suppose to work, but we are suppose to be able to combine everything and save some money. Saying that to say...If I should suddenly seem to have dropped off the face of the earth, be assured that I am here and well. I may continue to blog in Word program and then copy and paste when I am back up and running. I may not miss a second, but thought I should get that word out since things have been going pretty quirky lately. Better quit and get some rest incase I should get a McRib craving and have to stand in the long lines to get one.. I hear they are back. ewwwwwww yukkkkk! ENCOURAGE someone. Love and Prayers to all! Suzie |
Sunday, October 23, 2011
So Happy & Frustrated
I got such a WONDERFUL surprise this morning in church. Bill was there and he looked sooooooooooooo good! He's lost about 40 lbs. I couldn't help but sob for a few mins. with both him and Joel being there. I even celebrated by singing extra loud in the choir. It was such a blessing to see two people there that were prayed for by so many. Bill got to be home until 4, so he got to be with his "babies" for a little while. I am sure that his dogs were very happy to see him. They get extra treats when he's around. Thank you for praying for him and Joel. They both have a ways to go, but they are getting there. yeaaaaaa !!!!!!
I have been trying for over an hour to get on to the computer to get this going. I don't know what I finally did to get here, but good grief, it is nearly tomorrow. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! Last week our house phone was out of order for a couple of days and now my cell phone is on the glitch. If y'all try to call, we are not ignoring you. We are just having some phone issues. The house phone is working again. Never did find out what caused that. No one ever came out.
We sort of just vegged out today. LAZY, LAZY, LAZY day. But I guess that we needed to rest after the long day yesterday. Joel did help our son get our truck started. He's been driving it to work because his car has some sort of problem and he's not been able to figure it out. We bought it second hand from an individual that we knew and trusted but have had trouble from the day after we brought it home. And of course, we were told that it was a great car with all new parts........, really? How can someone look at themselves in the mirror each day, knowing that they sold us something like that? . Oh, well....that's in the past and hopefully, it'll get figured out. It's just been sitting for a couple of yrs. Still starts, so that's a blessing. In fact, they used it to jump start the truck. Hopefully, it's just the battery. It's been a GREAT truck and we are so thankful that we have it. It's a 99 Ford F150 with over 234,000. If it continues to follow it's past history, we may have another 200,000 mi. out of it.
Y'all are the best! I started to just give up and not even try to do a blog/email tonight, but then, just today I had so many encouraging comments at church. One person said they'd been gone and couldn't wait to get caught up. WOW!!! If this gets too boring, I'd recommend the Jeannette Oke series of books. Now that's interesting reading!
Please keep some one's spirits lifted by encouraging them at something. "Talk" to y'all later. It IS now tomorrow and I'm going to bed.
Love and Prayers to all!
I have been trying for over an hour to get on to the computer to get this going. I don't know what I finally did to get here, but good grief, it is nearly tomorrow. VERY FRUSTRATING!!! Last week our house phone was out of order for a couple of days and now my cell phone is on the glitch. If y'all try to call, we are not ignoring you. We are just having some phone issues. The house phone is working again. Never did find out what caused that. No one ever came out.
We sort of just vegged out today. LAZY, LAZY, LAZY day. But I guess that we needed to rest after the long day yesterday. Joel did help our son get our truck started. He's been driving it to work because his car has some sort of problem and he's not been able to figure it out. We bought it second hand from an individual that we knew and trusted but have had trouble from the day after we brought it home. And of course, we were told that it was a great car with all new parts........, really? How can someone look at themselves in the mirror each day, knowing that they sold us something like that? . Oh, well....that's in the past and hopefully, it'll get figured out. It's just been sitting for a couple of yrs. Still starts, so that's a blessing. In fact, they used it to jump start the truck. Hopefully, it's just the battery. It's been a GREAT truck and we are so thankful that we have it. It's a 99 Ford F150 with over 234,000. If it continues to follow it's past history, we may have another 200,000 mi. out of it.
Y'all are the best! I started to just give up and not even try to do a blog/email tonight, but then, just today I had so many encouraging comments at church. One person said they'd been gone and couldn't wait to get caught up. WOW!!! If this gets too boring, I'd recommend the Jeannette Oke series of books. Now that's interesting reading!
Please keep some one's spirits lifted by encouraging them at something. "Talk" to y'all later. It IS now tomorrow and I'm going to bed.
Love and Prayers to all!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
This'll Be Short
We had a great day, but long. The 2 1/2 Angels performed in Fentress and then we met again at a Gospel jam in Tilmon and sang there and listened to about 4 hrs. of good gospel music and had a delicious pot luck dinner. I love that part. Everyone brings their best of the best food and of course, you MUST taste everything. When you take a scoop of each dish, you end up with a huge plate of food. AND THEN......you hope that you aren't the first one up to sing right after the meal.
My brother got to come home for a couple of hrs. last night and visit with his dogs. Peg said that it was hard for him to go back. But he is still suppose to go home Fri. He is really looking forward to that. He is still receiving cards and appreciates them so much.
I think that I will try to get some rest now. I can be soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy and as soon as I put my head on the pillow, my brain starts bouncing from one thing to another and I toss and turn for awhile.
Hopefully, tomorrow I will be a little more focused. I really appreciate everyone's feedback on my emails and blog. Thank you for being "here" for me. Keep finding someone to encourage.
Love and Prayers to all!
My brother got to come home for a couple of hrs. last night and visit with his dogs. Peg said that it was hard for him to go back. But he is still suppose to go home Fri. He is really looking forward to that. He is still receiving cards and appreciates them so much.
I think that I will try to get some rest now. I can be soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy and as soon as I put my head on the pillow, my brain starts bouncing from one thing to another and I toss and turn for awhile.
Hopefully, tomorrow I will be a little more focused. I really appreciate everyone's feedback on my emails and blog. Thank you for being "here" for me. Keep finding someone to encourage.
Love and Prayers to all!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Wow! It's already Friday. Seems like our days are flying by in one respect and in another we are dragging by. Guess depends on what we are doing or what we are waiting on. We want some days to speed on by and the others to please slow down. I look at my kids and my grand kids and think about where has all our time gone, and wish time would slow way down. SAD!!!!! Then when it comes to something I don't want to get to, time flies. Can y'all tell that I am mully-grubbing? One of my very good friends use to tell me, "Put on your big girl panties and get over it." I still wish like crazy that she were still with us, so she could set me straight.
What's so DARN frustrating is I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW THAT I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH BLESSED. I am so ashamed of myself for having such a pity party for so long. I just have such a heavy heart tonight for some dumb reason. Guess the devil is trying to discourage me from saying, I AM BLESSED. Well, I have something to say to the devil....but I will tell him and not get ugly here. I have been praying about not saying anything whiny, negative, or hurtful. I am positive that he (the devil) wants me to be miserable, down, sad, worried, lonely, negative, whiny, etc, etc, etc. But I'm gonna fight it with every means I can, the main one being prayer!
We have so many sweet, precious, wonderful friends that are fighting horrible things like cancer, (we're not); infections, (we're not); injuries, (we're not); chemo, (we're not); radiation, (we're not); no job (we're not); identity fraud, (we're not); broken relationship, (we're not); etc, etc, etc, .....OH, MY..... WE ARE, WE ARE, WE ARE BLESSED. I am understanding the song, 'Count Your Many Blessings' more and more.
I cannot go a day without prayer and being thankful that I am a christian. I don't know how people can make it through a day without having that relationship with our Lord. I know that we cry out to him when things aren't going so well. I think of how sad I'd feel if my kids only came to me when they were in need. My heart is so happy when one of them calls, comes by, or just hear them say, "Mom". I'm not at all perfect, never will claim to be, and will mess up a lot before my purpose on earth is complete. I've not figured out my purpose in life. I keep thinking it's to pester people, which I do well!
Joel had a great day. He went to visit with Bill while I worked. This was his first day driving and being out alone since his surgery.
Bill saw the wound specialist and he has the places on his legs wrapped with special instructions not to get them wet or remove them. The pressure sore is not infected. (right now). He looked better, had a more positive attitude, and was finally getting some sleep. The dr. ordered something to help him.
I had a good day, too. Just got sad for my friends that I talked to today.
My pillow is beckoning my head and I am here to oblige.
Thanks for encouraging me...now pass it on!
Love and Prayers to all!
What's so DARN frustrating is I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW THAT I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH BLESSED. I am so ashamed of myself for having such a pity party for so long. I just have such a heavy heart tonight for some dumb reason. Guess the devil is trying to discourage me from saying, I AM BLESSED. Well, I have something to say to the devil....but I will tell him and not get ugly here. I have been praying about not saying anything whiny, negative, or hurtful. I am positive that he (the devil) wants me to be miserable, down, sad, worried, lonely, negative, whiny, etc, etc, etc. But I'm gonna fight it with every means I can, the main one being prayer!
We have so many sweet, precious, wonderful friends that are fighting horrible things like cancer, (we're not); infections, (we're not); injuries, (we're not); chemo, (we're not); radiation, (we're not); no job (we're not); identity fraud, (we're not); broken relationship, (we're not); etc, etc, etc, .....OH, MY..... WE ARE, WE ARE, WE ARE BLESSED. I am understanding the song, 'Count Your Many Blessings' more and more.
I cannot go a day without prayer and being thankful that I am a christian. I don't know how people can make it through a day without having that relationship with our Lord. I know that we cry out to him when things aren't going so well. I think of how sad I'd feel if my kids only came to me when they were in need. My heart is so happy when one of them calls, comes by, or just hear them say, "Mom". I'm not at all perfect, never will claim to be, and will mess up a lot before my purpose on earth is complete. I've not figured out my purpose in life. I keep thinking it's to pester people, which I do well!
Joel had a great day. He went to visit with Bill while I worked. This was his first day driving and being out alone since his surgery.
Bill saw the wound specialist and he has the places on his legs wrapped with special instructions not to get them wet or remove them. The pressure sore is not infected. (right now). He looked better, had a more positive attitude, and was finally getting some sleep. The dr. ordered something to help him.
I had a good day, too. Just got sad for my friends that I talked to today.
My pillow is beckoning my head and I am here to oblige.
Thanks for encouraging me...now pass it on!
Love and Prayers to all!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thirty Days Out
Here we are......thirty days out from surgery and things are going so well. Joel even helped with things at the country music show tonight. (No lifting, tugging, pushing) He helped sell tickets and kept up with my purse. He dare not lift it tho. ha!
The show went really well. I wish all of y'all could have heard the 11 yr. old girl that sang. Remember the name Madelyn Abrameit.....this little girl is going somewhere. She does Loretta Lynn songs as well as anyone. Dynamite!!!! And not only is she beautiful outwardly, but she has a beautiful heart.
I think that I am either trying to come down with something or these darn allergies are getting to me. I have been blahhhhhh the past 3 days and can't really pinpoint it. Maybe I'm worn out watching for varmints all the time. This morning, our dog would not leave the pecan tree in our yard. She kept jumping up on it and then would go a few feet away and sit. I just knew that the big ol' opossum was up there ready to pounce.
I need to thank everyone for all the positive comments about my emails and blog. That has really been such a blessing. I would love to achieve that dream of one day writing a book, but I keep thinking to myself that I can't. But thank you for encouraging me. I wish that I had kept all the emails that were sent to me. I have 7 followers now on my blog site, which is such a nice feeling to know that someone is actually interested in what I am up to. Good kudoes!!!!
I get to work all day tomorrow. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! And it's for one of my favorite classes. Double yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! The dog will be babysitting Joel.
I think that my brain is going to sleep ahead of my eyes, so better wrap this up. Keep on encouraging.
Love and prayers to all!
The show went really well. I wish all of y'all could have heard the 11 yr. old girl that sang. Remember the name Madelyn Abrameit.....this little girl is going somewhere. She does Loretta Lynn songs as well as anyone. Dynamite!!!! And not only is she beautiful outwardly, but she has a beautiful heart.
I think that I am either trying to come down with something or these darn allergies are getting to me. I have been blahhhhhh the past 3 days and can't really pinpoint it. Maybe I'm worn out watching for varmints all the time. This morning, our dog would not leave the pecan tree in our yard. She kept jumping up on it and then would go a few feet away and sit. I just knew that the big ol' opossum was up there ready to pounce.
I need to thank everyone for all the positive comments about my emails and blog. That has really been such a blessing. I would love to achieve that dream of one day writing a book, but I keep thinking to myself that I can't. But thank you for encouraging me. I wish that I had kept all the emails that were sent to me. I have 7 followers now on my blog site, which is such a nice feeling to know that someone is actually interested in what I am up to. Good kudoes!!!!
I get to work all day tomorrow. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! And it's for one of my favorite classes. Double yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! The dog will be babysitting Joel.
I think that my brain is going to sleep ahead of my eyes, so better wrap this up. Keep on encouraging.
Love and prayers to all!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Wonderful Wednesday
I had a good day! I worked a 1/2 day this morning for a sweet 2nd grade class, spent the afternoon with a fun group that sings at one of the area nursing homes, and then tonight went to Awana's at church, and ended the day out with choir practice. Yes, it was a long day, but very rewarding! Joel went with me to the nursing home, but then stayed home.
My brother found out that he is going to get to come home Friday, a week from tomorrow with home health care. My sister will be coming to stay with him for a while. She is such a good big sister! Always helping us out whenever we need her. Our dog LOVES her to come. I thought that Bill was seeing the wound specialist today, but his appt. is tomorrow. He did get out of his room today and took himself on a tour of the place just to see what was there. He is so excited about getting to come home. He will continue his therapy until he is released. I forgot to ask him if he got the sugar substitute and the wheat bread today.
Tomorrow is my BIG day with the country music show. I always get excited about the show. After I visit with Bill in the morning, I will be volunteering around noon at the Silver Center to help do something. I think serve a meal. And then, help set up the chairs, etc. and get the programs printed, etc. Then I get ready for the show. Pick up a precious friend from our church and then go enjoy the entertainers. If y'all are within range, come on over. It helps the senior citizens.
If any of y'all have anything you would be willing to donate for our Silent Auction in Dec., please let me know. I will be glad to pick up anything or you can drop it by the Silver Center between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Anything that will bring a dollar or a few thousand would be welcome.
We are chipping away at getting the sound equipment paid for, new mics, and the stage enlarged. Right now, we stuff the band on what we have and pray that no one pulls a "me" and falls off. Oh,.....if anyone would like to donate towards the stage, like material, labor, etc. that would be wonderful. I'm not too shy when it comes to helping the senior citizens. They are so much more fun to hang out with. I love their stories, love their wisdom, and their wit. I have grown too soon old and too late smart and wish that I had recorded some of my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents stories. Especially my mom's mom and dad and her grandmother. They were all such an influence in my life. They just weren't the "Lucy" that I am.
I heard from all 3 of my kids today, so know I will sleep better tonight. I tossed an turned last night and had them on my mind. Our granddaughter is having some effects from the antiobiotics, but they are doing what they are suppose to be doing. Yeaaaaaa !!! Brayden, the great grandson is doing well. Yeaaaaaaa, again!
Keep on keeping on encouraging!
Love and Prayers to all!
My brother found out that he is going to get to come home Friday, a week from tomorrow with home health care. My sister will be coming to stay with him for a while. She is such a good big sister! Always helping us out whenever we need her. Our dog LOVES her to come. I thought that Bill was seeing the wound specialist today, but his appt. is tomorrow. He did get out of his room today and took himself on a tour of the place just to see what was there. He is so excited about getting to come home. He will continue his therapy until he is released. I forgot to ask him if he got the sugar substitute and the wheat bread today.
Tomorrow is my BIG day with the country music show. I always get excited about the show. After I visit with Bill in the morning, I will be volunteering around noon at the Silver Center to help do something. I think serve a meal. And then, help set up the chairs, etc. and get the programs printed, etc. Then I get ready for the show. Pick up a precious friend from our church and then go enjoy the entertainers. If y'all are within range, come on over. It helps the senior citizens.
If any of y'all have anything you would be willing to donate for our Silent Auction in Dec., please let me know. I will be glad to pick up anything or you can drop it by the Silver Center between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Anything that will bring a dollar or a few thousand would be welcome.
I heard from all 3 of my kids today, so know I will sleep better tonight. I tossed an turned last night and had them on my mind. Our granddaughter is having some effects from the antiobiotics, but they are doing what they are suppose to be doing. Yeaaaaaa !!! Brayden, the great grandson is doing well. Yeaaaaaaa, again!
Keep on keeping on encouraging!
Love and Prayers to all!
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