Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I'm Still Here (with my sickie man)

I am here.....sort of. Just haven't felt like blogging. After my last post I worried about the on and on and on yakking and y'all needing a break. Plus, it was a blog that took me a long time to do and it really drained me. I get so emotional over the least little thing and that wasn't near what I'd consider "least". It was HUGE in my life and I am now, and forever will be, in awe over God and how He works.
Yesterday at church, the thought came across my mind that we needed a children's church and wondered what I could do, and then IF I would be willing to do anything.  (I was suppose to be paying attention, but my mind wandered there.) I didn't say a word to anyone. Later, last night when I was checking my emails, there was one from our pastor's wife. She was asking the church family to be in prayer about starting a children's church. hmmmmmmmmm???? Some would say, coincidence. I say God was whispering.

Joel had another good day a work, but he was asleep by 7:30 tonight. I know that he is still working on getting the stamina built back up. I am tinkering with the idea of going back to work, too. If anyone knows of a receptionist type job, I may be interested. I would be okay if  I could get more sub days working. It's nice to be able to be off when needed and go in when you want. But we need to get caught up. Just thinking.

We are still trying to be good at our choices of what we eat and the amount. One of the heart drs. told Joel to eat a serving of beans every day. I fixed a pot of Great Northerner beans today with the Penzey's spices and NO bacon or ham. They were very yummy. Even the dog liked the few that Robert was giving her. I also, fixed a fat free cornbread. It was a Marie Calendar's mix. It was really good, too. I will be buying it again. I was so impressed with the cornbread and the beans, that I took Bill some. He didn't think beans would be good without the bacon, ham, or salt pork. THANK YOU, WENDI,  FOR THE PENZEY'S and THANK YOU PENZEY'S for making such good stuff!!!

My sister and I had to hunt Zinc Sulfate today for my brother. His dr. told him to get it as a healing aide for his wound care. Thank goodness for Parker's Pharmacy. They were able to help us. We found out that it is by prescription.  Peg and Carol had been looking and looking for it, but couldn't find it. I knew from past experience that if anyone could help, Parker's would. Of course, the "good ol'" insurance he has wouldn't pay for it. I have to take a Vitamin D that is by prescription, only, and my ins. won't pay for it, either. grrrrrrr!  He has a policy from Humana that is not accepted by many drs. He found out today, through getting a hugh bill, that his new dr. is not in the network. OUCH!!! But at least he did take it and he is the one that saved Bill's life by ordering all the tests that led to this.  We'd gone around to several drs. trying to find one that would take it when he first got it a couple of years ago. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!  I sure don't understand a lot about insurance. It causes more frustration than peace at times.  I'm sure that one with high blood pressure has to be sure and take their meds, before dealing with insurance companies.
Another stupid thing about insurance, is the dental part. We don't have dental insurance and our medical insurance doesn't cover any procedure. Isn't that part of our body? If we can't eat because of pain, we can't stay healthy. If we have an infection, doesn't it need attention? What's the difference in having an infection in your toe, than your mouth?  I just gripe and gripe when I have to pay the dentist the huge ridiculous bills. I don't understand!!!!
Sorta got off on a rant there. sorry!
I've started getting a few donations for the silent auction fundraiser. Things don't have to be new, just something that someone else could use or want that you don't. If you have anything, at all, I will be happy to take it off your hands. I would like to have everything by Dec. 1.

I am still here. I got requests to get back to "work". Thanks y'all! I will try to do better.

WE GOT RAIN!!! IT RAINED!!! WATER POURED FROM THE SKY!!! THINGS GOT WET!!!  WE GOT MUD!!!! ( so does our dog)  But I am not complaining. What a blessing!!!!!!!It's wonderful !!!!!!!! (Not the part about the dog having mud.) We got nearly 3 in. Now things will start looking so much better. We will probably see green sprouts tomorrow. All the dirt is washed off the leaves. (I should have opened the doors so a storm cloud could move through the house to wash the dust from things inside.) One thing, we sure aren't wearing out our lawnmower.

Joel didn't have such a good day. He thinks that he is coming down with whatever I had a couple of weeks ago. DRATS!!!!! We tried to get him into the dr., but he can't be seen until Thurs., even after explaining what all he'd just gone through, being asthmatic, and it being upper respiratory. We can go to the ER.....really???? To sit several hours, exposing him to whatever, and we've not got huge medical bills already. Sounds like we want to do just that. NOT!  One good thing, he has some penicillin that he has to start taking because he is having a dental procedure done soon. Maybe that'll hold him till Thurs. Why do drs. overbook, so they can't squeeze someone in????  I know that everyone thinks their problem is an emergency, too. I just don't want him to get sick. Especially with a respiratory problem. panic panic panic
Don't worry, I will take him to the ER, if necessary. Just gripes me to have to do so. There are about a half dozen drs. in that same office.  Please keep him in prayer that he doesn't get sicker.

Thank you for encouraging me to get back to the computer. Y'all are doing a good job at the encouraging thing.  I like it!!!!

Love and Prayers to all!

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