Thank goodness, Bill is home again. He has bronchitis, but was also low on sodium and something else. They gave him some intravenous antibiotics and had him drinking Gatorade. How is one suppose to get all this stuff figured out? Instructions are all over the place. "EXERCISE.........take it easy; WALK........stay off your feet; DRINK PLENTY OF WATER...... don't drink so much water,your counts are too low; CUT YOUR SALT INTAKE.........drink Gatorade for the sodium; WATCH YOUR SUGARS........drink orange juice and get your sugars up; STAY OUT OF THE have a Vitamin D deficiency, etc., etc., etc., We WILL get it right, someday....., but oh, my the mean time, it is by trial and error. Today has been a lazy day here. We went to pick up Joel's work truck this morning,(YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE!); then went by the hospital to check on Bill, then did a little Good Will shopping and home to get some things done. NOT!!!! I slept all afternoon. I've started the coughing again and feel like my sinuses are not happy, either. Surely, I am not getting "something" again. no, no, no!!!, pleeeeeeeeze. I got news, this week, that one of my friend's, 23 yr. old, daughter died in her sleep. She had not been ill and had not complained. God just called her home. I've been praying for the family, as I can't fathom the loss of a child. We've only known families that have had a child die. I've had 3 miscarriages and I know how my heart hurt with that. The hurt has to be so much deeper after you've held that child. I've been on my knees many of times over each one of our 3 kids for various things like, fevers, broken bones, broken relationships, broken hearts, contests, school work, wrecks, surgeries, illnesses, drug rehab., travels abroad, 3 yrs. of one working in Iraq, child birth, learning to drive, and on and on and on. No matter what the concern was, I still carried a very heavy heart with each prayer. There were times that I would think that I could not take another breath. I didn't like being "there" at the time. And there are "places" that I NEVER want to have to go back to. I just can't imagine living life for one moment without personally knowing the Lord. I know that I would never have made in mentally and possibly physically, through some of those times without turning to the Lord for the peace, comfort, & direction that only He could give. I just hope that my friend can hang on to those promises, as well, and get through this, one day at a time. Please pray for her. Yeaaaa, Yeaaaaa, Yeaaaaa for an extra hour in the morning! (time change) I better try to get some rest. If not, I will need some extra encouragement to get me up in the morning. That's another fault of mine..... I AM NOT a morning person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, maybe that could be your encouragement job......encouraging me to enjoy each day & reminding me that each morning is one of God's gifts to me. I'm not bragging and am ashamed that I am such a grump in the morning. shame .....shame.....shame. I will be working on it. I don't like seeing that in writing. ouch! Love and Prayers to all! Suzie |
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