Sunday, October 9, 2011

I'm A Pumpkin!!!!!

 We made it to church and had such a wonderful reception of "welcome backs" for Joel. Very emotional day! And a good day. While at church one of the ladies handed me an envelope saying, "Here is something to make you smile." OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Make that a big ol' grin. She'd made the cutest little yo-yo pin with all kinds of BUTTONS sewn on it.  She attached it to a card . I'll have to copy, then you will understand the term, "I'm a Pumpkin". Too cute!!!  And what a perfect analogy.
For those that don't know, I am a button collector. I love buttons, have all kinds of buttons and all kinds of containers with buttons in them. Comes from my granny keeping me "busy" when I was little.  I love the pin not just because it has buttons, but because it's a reminder that someone thought of me. It is such a blessing knowing that someone was thinking about me in a special way. Thank you Mickey!
Her card read:
Happy Fall
From one pumpkin to another !!!!!
A woman was asked by a coworker,
"What is it like to be a Christian?"
The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin.
God picks you from the patch, brings you in and
washes all the dirt off of you.
Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the
yucky stuff.
He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed.
Then He carves you a new smiling face and
and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
I need to make something clear. I had used the term "Jeez" in one of my prior emails. That was NEVER meant to be a slang for anything other than 'GEE-WHIZ". I just typo-ed the "j' instead of using a "g".  When I speak of Jesus it is never in a negative, slang, or flippant manner. I do apologize for giving someone a jolt of "what was she thinking?".
I went by to see my brother and he was sound asleep and had been for about 3 1/2 hrs. He'd been awake most of the night and was miserable. About 6 this morning they changed his mattress and he was able to finally get comfy. It just took talking to the right person to get the ball rolling. The larger chair that Amanda had ordered for him was delivered but they are going to change it for something that will work better for his needs.  We hung around until he woke up.  He said that they are constantly asking him what they can do to make him more comfortable and if they can get him anything. It is so much easier to walk away and leave him in their care now. I did get the chance to thank Amanda, his nurse. I will be glad to see what progress he starts to make now that they will begin extensive therapy for him tomorrow. He is still on oxygen but didn't seem to be so confused once they got him sitting up.
I don't know if all y'all got rain, but we got about 1 1/2 in. It is wonderful!!!! I can't even complain about all the mud that is getting tracked inside. I've got a mop and a vacuum. It's such a blessing to already see the little green shoots sprouting up out of the mud.
Tomorrow will be a packed day of 'things to do'. We were veggies today. Both of us slept most of the afternoon. (me 4 1/2 hrs.)  I've had a little more of the virtigo today along with my ear hurting. I need to remember to take the Claritin which does help with all these TX allergies.
I already have 3 people that have joined my blog site. I am so excited. I still have lots to learn about it and how it works and what all I am suppose to do.  My daughter assures me that it's easy.
Please remember our friend, Chuck, in your prayers. He sees an oncologist this week.
Remember to encourage someone, especially a child.  
Till next time.
Love and Prayers to all!


  1. You did it! You're blogging! :-) now wasn't that painless?? Lol

  2. Mom's getting all techy and stuff.
