I just about finished my updates for the day and now they are gone,...G-O-N-E,...No where to be found....not a trace... and worst yet, not a clue about what all I covered. RATS ! RATS!! RATS!!! Now, I am going to feel like I'm repeating myself. My computer skills are so pitiful. I have a son that is over the top smart especially with computers and is always bailing me out of troubles or just stuff that is so simple to him and hard enough for me that I feel like throwing the computer across the room. (NOT really, I am not at all a violent person, just frustrated!) Some day I think that I am going to find all my lost emails in a pile next to all our missing socks. I have a computer that "eats" emails and a washing machine that "eats" socks. This has been another SLOW moving day!!!! But at least we are moving towards our goal. I'm about to the point of counting freckles on our dog. ...... We saw Bill today and he is doing better. He even wanted me to go get him a diet caffeine-free coke, which I did. (I did okay it with nurse.) Joel stayed and visited with him while I ran to the store. (I guess to compare scars.  ) He'd had a morning of physical and speech therapy. The speech is for the mini strokes that he has had. They also got him a bigger bed that has an air mattress which is suppose to help the pressure sores heal better. He said that it is uncomfortable but he knows that it's suppose to help him. He's not been sleeping well at all since he's been there but is going to talk to the Dr. about it. Hopefully, they will be able to help him get better rest. He has to see a wound care specialist in the morning for the tear & pressure sores and some open wounds on his legs and feet. He says the pressure sores are more painful than the surgery site. OUCH!! He was upbeat about Bro. Steve (our pastor) visiting with him this morning. He is still without a bigger t.v., so is just sitting and waiting for ?????? While we were there, the dietitian came by and talked with him about what he likes or dislikes and offered to try and get him things that he likes or if he wants more of some things, etc. The only thing different that he asked for was diabetic sugar and wheat bread. Amazing that the patient would be asking for a healthier choice than what the facility has been offering. hmmmmmmmmm???? Joel has had another good day. After we left visiting my brother, we went and read a few more labels at H.E.B. and let him walk around for awhile. He ran into several people that he knew and got to visit with them. After our "exercising"  , he catnaps in the recliner off and on the rest of the day. I am working 1/2 day tomorrow. YEAAAA YEAAAAA YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I love, love, love working with the kids. The dog will babysit Joel. Our dog has joined the 'watch what we eat' saga. She was suppose to level out and hold at her last weight but she's gained 6 lbs., so is now classified overweight. I guess her snacks will be green beans from now on.  Joel just discovered a huge opossum crawling up our pecan tree. Yeaaaa!!!! Another varmint. Now, not only will I be watching where I step, slapping at what, I think, is crawling on me, but looking up worrying about something jumping on me. I can just envision my new style....... snake boots, bee keepers attire, and a golf umbrella. If it ever comes to that, I'll have to spruce it up with some bling. Please remember my friend, Agnes, in your prayers. She had her port put in today and begins her chemo Thurs. And continued prayers for Bill and Joel. Until later. psssst! DON'T FORGET TO ENCOURAGE SOMEONE.  Love and Prayers to all! Suzie |
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