Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Blog Spot

Subject: My blogspot

I received this Oct. 8, 2011 at 11:11 p.m and I've added my comment at the end of this post.
Another amazing "thing" that makes me feel like God is just smiling on all of this is because 11:11 p.m. is my very favorite time of the day. Whenever Joel or I see the 11:11 on a clock, we let each other know. It started yrs. ago when one of my very favorite cousins, Ginger, told us that she just loved the time 11:11. Ever since, we have always thought of her very fondly when we see it. Just saying.....I love the little "God Things".

--- On Sat, 10/8/11, Wendi Henry <> wrote:

From: Wendi Henry <>
Subject: blog
To: "Suzie Watts" <>
Date: Saturday, October 8, 2011, 11:11 PM

I've been enjoying your updates so much.  The reason people are reading is because you do such a good job of expressing what you other words, writing well.  The last few, in particular, have been more vulnerable and expressive and, well, blog-like.  It seems this whole process has kick-started you into wriiting, so, I decided that since you are already "blogging", you need a worries about figuring out's simple...I made one for you...and I can tell you how to post with ease should you choose to continue writing.
I took the liberty of taking all your "posts" (updates) to this point and posting them with the date/time they were originally sent so that, even if you decide to not blog again, you will have a record of this journey and not forget the process or God's goodness through it all.  It's a monument to His faithfulness, not ours.  Anyway, I literally threw it together today while sitting by the fire, so if you want changes it's simple, but you can view it at to see what's there so far.  I couldn't think of a name that wasn't already taken and then the idea of "joys shared and sorrows halved" hit me...which is what you are touching on so much.
I have many more pictures documenting things that I wanted to include but won't do so without your permission.  Your friends will have a place to see and read your story and those who may have a similar surgery will have a good timeline to think through regarding recovery. 

Many hugs and prayers--
wife to Sam, and mama to our sprouts: Madeline (8), Lilly (6.5), Will (4.5), & Thomas (3)

Oct. 8, 2011 - 11:11 p.m.
I just received a msg. from my daughter that she has created a blogspot for me. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!! A desire of my heart and one "answer to prayer" that wasn't ever actually prayed for. Just a desire of my heart, which I guess is a prayer. Our prayers don't have to be out loud, right?
Anyway, if any of y'all want to visit my blogspot, which will have my "stories" and pictures it is:
My daughter said that she kept thinking about the title and thought of "Shared Joys and Sorrows Halved". Isn't that the most perfect title for what we've been through? And I mean "WE". Y'all are the ones that have helped keep the sorrows down and my spirits lifted.
For those that know me and are getting to know me through this, I have always had a hard time excepting compliments and words of encouragement on doing things that I wanted to do, but didn't have the confidence to do them.  Three things that I am so thankful for, even though they came late in life, but happened because of encouragement are: 
1. My job that I retired from at Marion I.S.D. I was encouraged and mentored by two of the best co-workers anyone could ever ask for, Joyce Boenig and Kathy Dittrich. I loved my job because they made me believe that I could do it and they were always there for me.
2. My opportunity to sing with a ladies trio, (The 2 1/2 Angels). I'd tried out for choir in elem. school and didn't make it, so always thought that I couldn't sing. But because of one of my best friends, Diane Farley,  and my sweet husband, and friends, I'm singing and having a ball! 
3. Getting to write and express my feelings, encouraged by my sweet daughter, husband, and many of y'all that have been reading and enduring my emails.
Hopefully, this will be a blogsite that will help someone in some way.
Love and Prayers to all!

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