Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unbelievable Update

My day started out wonderful! I got up on time, got ready for work, fixed Joel's breakfast and lunch and headed out the door. It was wonderful to get out of the house and I got to work with a teacher that loves to help kids. I didn't even mind lunch room duty. Just seeing all the kids was wonderful.

Joel made it through the day just fine. He said that he did get lonely. (No one to talk to.)

Now that's funny, if you know Joel very well. HE DOESN'T TALK MUCH AT ALL!!!!!

I told him that he had our dog here to talk to but he said that she'd slept all day. (We are at the age that our dog is our "baby".)

We got a surprise in the mail that made both of us cry. God is SO good. We really are blown away by all of the love that is being shown to us. Joel has always been so good at helping others and having a big heart, but has a hard time accepting it. He's never done things to get things back. Thank you for loving us!

My brother is still in the hospital. They were running some tests thinking that he may have fluid building up around the heart. He's just not coming along now like he seemed to have been at first.  He's showing more anger, removed his monitors and arm bands.

He has been getting cards. THANK YOU THANK YOU

While I've gotten so many people praying, please add one of our good friends to your prayer lists. His name is Chuck and he will be having surgery this coming Fri. on his arm for a Melanoma cancer. you noticed, I started this off with saying that my day STARTED out wonderful. It's not over yet, but it sure has turned into one of my "Lucy" days.  REALLY.... no one can make this up! And for those that really know me....they can believe it. ONLY Me.....would this all happen to in a matter of a few hours.

I went walking with my sister and sister-in-law and just slipped on a pair of flip-flops, take the dog on her leash, and walk until it starts getting dark. I start up the drive and I stop to take the leash off, which I did and then she jumps which gets my attention, and THERE'S A SNAKE!!!!  Scared the bejeebers out of me! I could not believe it. Really???? A scorpion last night & snake tonight????? And me in flip-flop shoes.

I wasn't impressed at all, but tried to take a deep breath, remembering that God had just showed me a couple of hours prior how He takes care of us. Still gave me the creeps and made me question.....WHY?????????????????????? I really HATE! HATE! HATE! HATE! snakes.  And scorpions are right up there with that STRONG feeling. chills!!!

Sad to say, the story doesn't end there.  After the snake is no more, my son finds another scorpion on a rock. I take another deep breath and am thankful the darn thing is outside this time.

Now the story can't stop there. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About 20 mins. after all the hoopla outside, Joel kills another scorpion crawling across the living room floor. OH MY GOSH!!!!  I've now taken so many deep breaths that I'm dizzy.  Obviously, none of us are walking around barefooted. 

Keep reading, it's still not over.....About 15 mins after the last scorpion encounter, our son opens the back door and announces that our dog has a problem......she'd found a skunk! She didn't get a direct "hit" (this time) , but enough that I had to stop everything, mix up a formula to bathe her in. Then clean up that mess. Fortunately, I had everything on hand since she'd gotten sprayed twice a couple of yrs. ago. You'd think she'd learn!

I REALLY hate scorpions and snakes sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! I can't think of one good thought about either.  I just get the creeps. No one got bit or stung, & for that I am thankful. That is the only thing I can say positive.

Now I'm trying to figure out how to sleep tonight. I just killed a spider scurrying across the floor. Maybe I am asleep and this is all a dream. ha! I wished!!!!

We will be spraying and spraying and spraying tomorrow. I'd get a few dozen cats to keep away the snakes, but my dog keeps away the cats. so..... I wonder if living in a high rise apt. would be snake, scorpion and skunk free? Sounds like it would be worth a try.

Thanks again for letting me use all y'all as my therapist. I appreciate all the comments and encouragement. Please keep Joel, Bill, and Chuck lifted in prayer.

Love and Prayers to all!


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