Thursday, November 24, 2011

Turkey Day

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! I do hope that y'all didn't over eat, too much. I am still miserable. I've had the nibbles since this morning. When we sat down to eat our dinner, I wasn't hungry, but I sure ate like I was. Then I kept nibbling, and nibbling, and nibbling, and nibbling. We spent the day with good friends and everyone brought something. You would have thought 20 more people were coming to join us. I wish that we could have somehow gotten all the left overs to those who were without. We all took bags and bags of leftovers and won't have to cook for a couple of days. I am, tho. I love turkey soup, especially, our son-in-law's. He makes the bestest, gooderest, yummyest, scrumpteousest, the picture? It's really good. Sad thing is, when he makes it, you are too full to really enjoy it right then. We didn't get any of his this year, since they stayed in Colorado. sad!
Of course, none of this was really in the 'alfalfa/water' category. It was soooooooooooooooooooo good, tho. We need to walk, walk, walk tomorrow. We should should have walked home, except we were about 55 miles from home.
It's not my idea, but I think it's such a great idea. One of the blogs that I have been following, has a jar that they have labeled "Things that I am thankful for...." and each day each family member writes something that they are thankful for on a piece of paper and drops it into the jar, and they were going to read them today.  Now, why wait till Thanksgiving time to do that? I think that it would be something great for me to have all year round and when I get the mully grubs, I can go to my jar, pull out a piece of paper and read what I wrote. I also, think dating the day that I write it would be helpful. Just thinking.
I love special days, because I always hear from all of my kids. A mom's heartbeat! I heard from all of them today and will again, tomorrow. (It'll be my birthday.) So, I get double blessings this week. yeaaaaa!!! Those aren't the only blessings, tho. Just one of my most favorites. : )
God continues to bless us and take care of our needs. One of the things that I love about my husband, is that he is so willing to help someone and not expect anything back. It he can fix it without having to go to the expense of replacing it, he will fix it. He's done this forever, and now I am seeing so much returned to him, but in a much better way.
Is there another word for "thank you"? If so.....I can't think of one, but my heart says it over and over and over for y'all's encouraging words and prayers. Keep it up, but not just for me.
Love and Prayers to all!

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