Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Joel and Bill

Well, we are into another new month and the guys are still moving forward in their recovery.  And that word, "forward" sounds so sweet. There have been so many worries and fears since all this began and as the days move forward,  I see that it was such wasted energy, but .......I'm still using the excuse, I'M HUMAN. Will I learn from this? I sure hope so. I find myself borrowing from other peoples negative outcomes in situations that are similar. I know where to go to for comfort, peace, assurance, hope, etc., but I battle with it greatly. Why???? I don't know. But thankfully, I eventually get there. I just take the long way around. CRAZY!!!!

Joel went to his primary dr. today and got a good report. He also has 2 very sore arms, now. He got a flu shot in one and the shingles vaccine in the other. I don't understand why insurance doesn't pay for the later one. I'm thinking that the treatment would be a whole lot more costly. It was a mere $200.00 shot, but the dr. felt like he should get it. I've had shingles and it "ain't" funny!  Hey, I'm for anything to keep him well! Anyway, he is all caught up on his vaccines, tetanus, etc.  Now, just to get him able to have enough stamina to go back to work. 

Bill went to see his regular dr. yesterday and got good news on his labs. The dr. was very impressed with all the results. They are still watching his red blood count and will test  it again in 3 mo. Today he went to his wound care dr.  He has some places that he has to keep wrapped until Mon. when he goes back.  He has some more new problems with his feet. Darn this diabetes!!!!  So frustrating. Please use this advice as a lesson to listen and do what you need to do if you are diabetic or border lined.  So many people think that they can control it, but it still causes havoc on your internal organs. It's mean & horrible stuff! It was the cause of my brother going blind in his early 50's. Very sad!
Also, he is still having trouble with his pressure sore. The dr. has ordered a jell cushion to help even out the pressure. The donut cushion that I bought him is causing more problems than fixing one.

I still sound like a bull frog and the cough is so annoying and the headache hurts. I was hoping that I was going to see an improvement by now.  I keep eating to make sure I don't get weak. I'm drinking lots of liquids to keep from dehydrating. I'm taking my medicine. I'm sleeping and sleeping and just sitting around to make sure my body gets rest. Any other suggestions?????? I need to get well or at least get my voice back within a normal range SOON!!!!  I don't know how to sing bass. And Diane and Priscilla have their limits to a low range.

I made some yummy goulash tonight using my new Penzey's spices. I had my doubts, but, oh, my goodness... it was VERY GOOD!!! I have to remember what I did and which spices I grabbed. I'm glad that we are gonna have left overs. I made  a big batch with just 1 pound of hamburger. (I used the 94/6).

 One of my grandson's had his 5th birthday a couple of days ago. He's been involved in soccer and through ENCOURAGEMENT he is a whole different kid on the field than off. He is a great little soccer player and loves making goals. We all would, but he actually makes them.  Seeing the transformation when he is out on the field is amazing. I  know that we'd all benefit the same with encouragement over something we are involved in or trying to learn.  Keep your eyes and ears open to do so.

Love and Prayers to all!

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