Friday, October 21, 2011


Wow! It's already Friday. Seems like our days are flying by in one respect and in another we are dragging by. Guess depends on what we are doing or what we are waiting on. We want some days to speed on by and the others to please slow down.  I look at my kids and my grand kids and think about where has all our time gone, and wish time would slow way down. SAD!!!!! Then when it comes to something I don't want to get to, time flies. Can y'all tell that I am mully-grubbing? One of my very good friends use to tell me, "Put on your big girl panties and get over it."  I still wish like crazy that she were still with us, so she could set me straight.
What's so DARN frustrating is I KNOW, KNOW, KNOW THAT I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO VERY MUCH BLESSED. I am so ashamed of myself for having such a pity party for so long. I just have such a heavy heart tonight for some dumb reason. Guess the devil is trying to discourage me from saying, I AM BLESSED. Well, I have something to say to the devil....but I will tell him and not get ugly here. I have been praying about not saying anything whiny, negative, or hurtful. I am positive that he (the devil) wants me to be miserable, down, sad, worried, lonely, negative, whiny, etc, etc, etc. But I'm gonna fight it with every means I can, the main one being prayer!
We have so many sweet, precious, wonderful friends that are fighting horrible things like cancer, (we're not); infections, (we're not); injuries, (we're not);  chemo, (we're not); radiation, (we're not); no job (we're not); identity fraud, (we're not); broken relationship, (we're not); etc, etc, etc, .....OH, MY..... WE ARE, WE ARE, WE ARE BLESSED. I am understanding the song, 'Count Your Many Blessings' more and more.
I cannot go a day without prayer and being thankful that I am a christian. I don't know how people can make it through a day without having that relationship with our Lord.  I know that we cry out to him when things aren't going so well. I think of how sad I'd feel if my kids only came to me when they were in need. My heart is so happy when one of them calls, comes by, or just hear them say, "Mom".   I'm not at all perfect, never will claim to be, and will mess up a lot before my purpose on earth is complete. I've not figured out my purpose in life. I keep thinking it's to pester people, which I do well!
Joel had a great day. He went to visit with Bill while I worked. This was his first day driving and being out alone since his surgery.
Bill saw the wound specialist and he has the places on his legs wrapped with special instructions not to get them wet or remove them. The pressure sore is not infected. (right now). He looked better, had a more positive attitude, and was finally getting some sleep. The dr. ordered something to help him.
I had a good day, too. Just got sad for my friends that I talked to today.
My pillow is beckoning my head and I am here to oblige.
Thanks for encouraging pass it on!
Love and Prayers to all!

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