Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Joel is 2 wks. out from his surgery and my brother is 1 wk. We've been waiting all day for my brother to be transported to a rehabilitation center here in Seguin. (The hurry up and wait game). Joel was seen by the home health care nurse and is doing good. He has a little bit of fluid in the lower left lung, so is working on some extra exercises which will also get the oxygen levels up. They were around 93. I catch myself taking in the deep breaths and holding them when he is doing it. I don't think that this really helps him, but hey.....I'll try anything to get things moving.

I was right about the day being good! We had a nice surprise lunch with Mary Ann Norris and Jerry. Both have gone through the same surgery as Joel's and were so encouraging about his progress and what to expect. They were very clear on having to follow the docs. orders, too.  So glad that we ran into them while out getting more meds!  I feel like we are running a small pharmacy. But it really is a huge blessing that we are able to go get them when needed.

We received a package from our daughter that was full of different salt-free spices from a spice company called Penzeys. They have the BEST spices ever. Worth looking up on line!

My favorite is the Vietnamese Cinnamon. The best ever!!!!!! I didn't know there were so many spices in the world until we visited one of their stores.  Can't wait to use what she sent.  I've always been a salt & pepper cooker and when I felt brave, I'd grab the garlic powder.  All my kids are wonderful cooks and use all kinds of spices. Makes things that I don't like, likeable.

Brayden is now out of the hospital and got the drain tube out. They left the hole open to heal....ouch!!! I can't imagine trying to keep a 7 month old from messing with it.

My brother called me at 8:30 this morning and sounded so good. He said the transfusion made him feel so much better. He is still waiting on being transferred to a rehab. unit in Seguin. They were waiting on insurance stuff.........grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I will update on where he will be. Carol (my sister) said that he was showing anger/depression today. We will try to visit him as much as possible but not to interfere with his rehab. He really needs to work on that.

Now the kicker for the day, actually tomorrow............. I am going to go sub. yipeeeeeeee!

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited  I've checked and double checked with Joel about how he feels, etc. He doesn't go upstairs, yet, so that won't be a worry. The school is 3 mi. from the house. I will have his lunch ready, fix him a breakfast before I leave, and zoom home as soon as school is out.  He said that it would be fine.  I will have my cell phone on me the whole time.  I can't believe that I am this excited about having to get up so early in the morning, but I am.

I will update again tomorrow.

Love and Prayers to all!


p.s. I do have a "whine" for the day.....we just killed a scorpion in the bedroom. THOSE CREEPY THINGS ARE SO NOT ON MY LIKE ONE LITTLE BIT LIST!!!!!! YUK YUK YUK

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