Friday, October 7, 2011

It's Friday!!!!

One day closer to getting back to normal. At least a normal that I understand. Joel has discovered that he is weak. He tried some "marching" steps back to the car when we went to visit Bill. He was pretty winded after that. Don't know why all the sudden he thought that he should practice a parade move. He said it was just to see if he could do it.

My brother was just sitting on the edge of his bed when we got there. He seems confused and very short on breath. He said that he'd asked for some oxygen, but the dr. didn't order it so now he's waiting. He won't start therapy until Mon. His t.v. is so small it's like watching a postage stamp and he can't see it, due to him being legally blind. I asked one of the nurses if there was a bigger t.v. that maybe he could see. She was going to check. I sure hope there is. He refused his lunch, too. He said that the bed was so uncomfortable. He just feels rotten and I think everything is just getting to him.  Hopefully, when they start the therapy and he starts getting his strength back, he will get back to his old self.

We were touched again by another gift in the mail from God. I have to give Him the glory, but it's y'all that He is using to work through. Thank you for everything each one of you have done and continue to do for us. We are humbled at all the blessings. This is so much more fun and such a relief from where we were less than 3 wks. ago. I am more of a "Doubting Thomas" when it comes to things. When the drs. told us that the area of Joel's blockage was called the widow maker, I immediately started thinking about being a widow and what I would do. I cried so much that I am surprised that I didn't become dehydrated. I didn't break down too much in front of Joel, I usually spent a long time in a nice hot bath and "got soap in my eye".  (wink, wink).

I read a wonderful devotional book, 'Jesus Calling' and it has been so amazing what I read each day. The day we came home, it mentioned "being in the comfort of your home". And the past few days it's reminded me of trust and to be still and know that God is in control. If I were to ever get a tatoo, it would read, "Remember, Suzie, it's God who is in control!".

(I won't be getting one , but please take it upon yourself to send me that message every few mins. or remind me when you see me.)

We are going to a birthday party later this afternoon. It will be so nice to get out and be among people. Our dog has grown to enjoy the conversations and attention that we have been giving her. But a one way conversation does get old and boring after awhile.

I will finish this post when we return.

Okay....we're back. We went to the party and got to see lots of friends. It was so good to get out and relax. And we were blessed with another gift, actually  twice. Not only did someone buy our yummy dinner, which we have enough left over for lunch tomorrow, but a friend gave us a love offering and that is exactly what you have to call it. He offered it to us with much love and told us so. Made us cry, again.

What am I learning from all of this????????? That I should always be willing to be used of God, to be His hands and feet. To be careful to not just say a prayer or a "God Bless You", but to actually step forward and do what I can when I can. People can't eat prayers or God bless yous nor pay their bills with them. Don't get me wrong. Prayers are essential and we can't survive without them, at least sanely. And I am so glad that I do have friends that I call "Prayer Warriors" that I can contact and know that they are going to pray, pray, pray. I'm just saying that there have been times when I could have done something and didn't. Now I am seeing the results of our prayers by God using others. We are paying our bills & eating well because of God's whispers to the hearts of others who are willing to act. I have wrestled with helping others at times, making excuses not to. I am understanding more and more that it's not up to me. If I ever feel so compelled to do something for someone, friend or stranger, then I should really trust that it is God whispering to my heart and I should be willing to trust Him. This is not just monetary, but all kinds of help. We've had offers to mow our lawn, clean my house, run errands, babysit Joel, take him to the dr., walk our dog, cook meals, pick up meds, bring meals, or whatever we would call for. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joel got a little tired being out, but did well. We both ate salad with grilled chicken and had water. Had dressing on the side, so didn't drowned our salad. No crackers, bread, or croutons. yeaaaaa !!!!!  (This is a BIG deal with me..... I LOVE CROUTONS, but not enough to ever have to go through what Joel's just gone through.) So....croutons, be gone!!!

Thank you for "listening".

Love and Prayers!


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